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Posts posted by hily

  1. Hi i've advertised rough shooting for this season at a reasonable cost some of the replies i've had have asked me if if this includes stalking,foxing., pigeon decoying all year round .My idea of roughshooting is to hunt game with a dog and to try and shoot whats flushed to the gun this includes having the odd drive or two when there is enough guns out on the day also flighting duck. What do you think a rough shoot should be !.

  2. your asking to much from yourself training and the dog learning decide on what type of hunting you do most then pick dog to suit add other disciplines after you and the dog have masterd one.In my experience you will end up with a confused dog thats good for nowt if you try to do to much to soon, as you have said its a long time since you had a dog.

  3. Friday morn finished nightshift then out to do some beating (partridge) two drives then it started to p**s down third drive then back to the bothy change wet clothes and something to eat plus catch up with others i havent seen since last season .After grub out to do last drive partridge and duck this got the bag and the duck flew well.Nice supprise beaters pay gone up to £25.covers cost of diesel. Home to get gear ready for a boundry day at our shoot on sat .had to ring lads and cancel to damp! HA.piggin droondin it was good to hear from the lads that they had all made the effort and were ready to go.Told them it would be a waste of time as thier would be nowt sitting out.My pal and i had to go to shoot to feed up and change battery for elect fence had some windfall on both pen and elect fence good job we made journey to check, weather got worse headed back on the way off spotted approx 100 canadas on lower fields will gear up for them on our next visit just in case.Journey home was a bit hairy plenty of floodiing and plenty of heed the bals driving anyway servived to hunt another day . Must get some proper wetaproofs

  4. thats the kind of rescue job the r.s.p.c.a should tackle it could gain them some respect! they must have seen flood alerts anyone seen them out their working?. GOOD LUCK JONSEY.

  5. Posted pic of diy rest on centre/rimme topic. this is only one item of diy kit i've made to help with the cost of my sport any of you lot done the same if so what and is it any good.Up till now this years projects=high seat, quad rifle rest & battery box +door rest for landy. Eee its good to save dosh and yes i,am bloody tight.

  6. post-20256-1220460123_thumb.jpgLatest project vehicle door rifle rest hight adjustable made from

    1 suction grab =£6

    2 clothesline poles=£4

    pipe insulation, hose clip,and a old bonnet stay of a scrapped car £4

    TOTAL £14.

    AND IT DOES THE JOB.MADE THIS FOR LANDY.STU if this is any good for your motor i have more photos in my profile /topics page 7 sorry can't get them to refresh onto latest post cos i don't know how.

  7. if you want to attract more ducks to the pond then yes feed it , i would have a walk round the pond and see were the shallow parts are, then feed that area put some just in the water , some out of the water , dont go to deep with the feed because teal will not be able to reach it also mallard, they like to up end in the water but if the feed is to deep they will not get it . wheat is good also barley, you can put potatos in too but if you have fish in the pond then i would not bother potatos send the water stagnant and relise acids into the water which could kill the fish .

    Barleys best if you don't have a rat problem try rotten spuds.

  8. i hadnt thought to ask if its for the rights or permission! :icon_redface: the farm doesnt have much in the way of game but is swarming with foxes! the stalking is already let on a five year lease and im thinking he has the same thing in mind if it is the sporting rights thats for sale! its just the fact that he isnt letting us know a price and keeps telling me he has three other people interested that worries me! :wallbash:

    make him an offer shy bairns get nowt call his bluff.

  9. ive been shooting rats and crows around the yard at a farm near me for a few months now with my air rifle and im keen to get perrmission for the rest of the farm but the farmer wants paying for the shooting rights! he has said he wants some one pro active as he has a real problem with bunnys pigeons ect but hasnt been very forthcomming with telling me how much he wants, and im starting to feel like im being led on! does any one have any idea how much i should expect to pay? or an oppinion on whether i should be paying to do pest control for him? i dont mind paying per say but if its a huge ammount i might have to give up the only shooting i have! :icon_eek:



    Tell him to do one he cant be to bothered if he wants you to pay try another local farmer theres plenty out there

    What I do is when im driving to work I drive by a couple of farms and as I work shifts I drive by at diff times of the day and night if I see anything suspicious or any damage or any loose stock I pop in and see the owner and let them know I get all the shooting and pest control I want

    sadly i dont have a car!! :icon_eek::censored: i either walk or have to rely on gotting a lift!!

    SHOOTING RIGHTS are for all quarry not just vermin if the ground holds game you could charge others to shoot and therefore share the cost dont be to quick to decide if the farmer means shooting rights or just permision.

    Iforgot to say remember hes a farmer so start your offer low 80p per acre
  10. ive been shooting rats and crows around the yard at a farm near me for a few months now with my air rifle and im keen to get perrmission for the rest of the farm but the farmer wants paying for the shooting rights! he has said he wants some one pro active as he has a real problem with bunnys pigeons ect but hasnt been very forthcomming with telling me how much he wants, and im starting to feel like im being led on! does any one have any idea how much i should expect to pay? or an oppinion on whether i should be paying to do pest control for him? i dont mind paying per say but if its a huge ammount i might have to give up the only shooting i have! :icon_eek:



    Tell him to do one he cant be to bothered if he wants you to pay try another local farmer theres plenty out there

    What I do is when im driving to work I drive by a couple of farms and as I work shifts I drive by at diff times of the day and night if I see anything suspicious or any damage or any loose stock I pop in and see the owner and let them know I get all the shooting and pest control I want

    sadly i dont have a car!! :icon_eek::censored: i either walk or have to rely on gotting a lift!!

    SHOOTING RIGHTS are for all quarry not just vermin if the ground holds game you could charge others to shoot and therefore share the cost dont be to quick to decide if the farmer means shooting rights or just permision.
  11. Hi,


    I'm relatively new to shooting, and have recently purchased my first shotgun which I am ashamed to say, I've hardly used, on the basis that I'm not fortunate enough to live on a farm or in a farming community. I bought the gun after going along with my grandad a few times and really enjoying it, he does live in a farming community but is getting older now and his shooting days are coming to an end.


    My question is, if I dont really know anyone (especially in my immediate area - Eaglescliffe, Teesside) who shoots, how do I go about getting into a syndicate or at least gaining access to land to shoot on? Is it feasible to literally knock on a farmers door and ask?? I'm just sooo desperate to shoot and its o frustrating knowing my gun's at my disposal if only I had somewhere to go!!

    our syndicate is novice friendly but to far away from yuo (SCOTTISH BORDERS). TRY your local gun shop and ask them to pass on your details to any shoot member or keeper who uses the shop offer your services as a beater now is a good time as the partridge season is near and the shoot will nead as many beaters as it can get especially if you can beat on a weekday.or type nobs into your computer beaters site. PS .you will make contacts and possibly get a days shooting on beaters day GOOD LUCK.

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