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Everything posted by forrest

  1. Im sure Howard was just trying to get the hundreds of people who posted positively after last years show to post in reply,ensuring that the edrd thread stays firmly at the top where it belongs Theres no such thing as bad publicity so im sure earth dog will be grateful for the plug. What a tit !!!!!
  2. A top guy!! nothing is too much trouble.

  3. The guy who runs the cock of the north championship says there has never been a dog called pepsi who has won it.
  4. Great,i hear theres horn blowing competition too. ITS GOING TO BE A CRACKING SHOW.
  5. Went to this one last year but couldnt get to it this year.Well done F&k and terrier2
  6. This is the last i am going to say on this load of shit. There was certainly no favouritism because we never knew anyone,the lurcher judge saturday/whippet judge sunday did not touch a can until his judging appointments were over.He also was not a judge in the champion of champions. Its a team effort and without the hard work of a good team around you its impossible
  7. The dog that was in the organisers tent never left the organisers tent for two days he was in there out of the way in the shade.How is this odd???? As for this judge you claim you overheard saying he picked his friends dog,rubbish.He had never met the champion or reserve before in his life.You have got your wires crossed.
  8. What is sad here is that un informed people have the nerve to say rosettes were handed out to the team in question ,when quite obviously he hasent got a clue who the team were.If he had known what the frig he was on about he would have realised that we were all strangers down there and didnt know anybody.Yes we are guilty of talking to people,making friends and making people feel welcome.What the hell are we supposed to do ignore them incase people think we are favouring them. What a load of shite. If you dont want to hear someones opinion on your dog,dont pay a pound and ask for one. No wo
  9. Right i am firstly going to thank the people who did come and support this new show,cheers. In answer to the last comment they awarded rosettes to their own party TOTAL CRAP Not one single member of the team,judges,stewards,runners.No one from the team showed a dog in the rings at anytime,so how could a rosette have been given to one of our team. I was the only member of the team with a dog there,and anyone will tell you that my dog remained in its cage from start to finish. My rules are no one from my own team are allowed to show a dog at any of our shows. We didnt even know anyo
  10. Managed to get 5 more tickets for the gamefair,they can be used saturday or sunday.Im heading off to the show venue today so if anyone wants them pm me today.
  11. Just present your pup well,its all common sence really.If your pup looks healthy and is clean its got as good a chance as any other pup.The judges are experienced enough to see past type. Come over and say hello
  12. Four tickets left now, lurcher and terrier show starts 12 noon,some ringside parking available,all trophies are large and to keep. qualifiers for EDRD, pride of the peaks, cock of the north, north wales, welsh valleys, heart of wales,derbyshire bull x, NWTF. and Royal Supa Dog 2009.. Straight racing entries will be taken from 8.30am including terrier racing,whippet racing is in the afternoon. All racing trophies are to keep. Bull cross dog and bull cross bitch go through to lurcher championship. terrier classes include plummers,bedlingtons,under 12 inch terriers,blacks, we e
  13. got 10 spare lurcher and terrier passes left if anyone wants one.
  14. Royal counties game fair,Mapledurham House,Mapledurham,Nr Reading ,Berkshire,RG4 7TR. www.yrcgamefairs.co.uk 4TH AND 5TH OF JULY I have a number of complimentary tickets to give away to lurcher and terrier folk.Please pm me if you are interested and i will get back to you. Lurchers and terriers start at 12 noon, Racing entries taken from 8.30 am also whippet racing and terrier racing. All trophies are to keep.
  15. I have a bitch who has a bald patch,its definatly hormonal and hereditry with her as her mother,litter sister,grand dam all have the same thing in the same spot. Maybe totality different problem to yours but i found sea kelp added to the diet realy made a difference.Its really cheap too about £1.20 for a bottle of 100 tablets from our chemist.
  16. Thanks for the compliments about the show guys.The real thanks go to the people who worked hard both days in the sun to bring it all together. The stewards were fantastic and coped brilliantly with large numbers and hot weather as did the person selling raffle tickets. The racing team were great as was the catering team looking after us all. Thankyou also to the judges who both days produced one of the best displays of lurcher and terrier judging i have ever seen.The sponsors also played their part with generous donations and thankyou very much to Mr Hubery who gave a smashing double terrie
  17. Happy Birthday Tom.I suppose the reason i havent been able to get hold of you today is because your out on the Lash. Hope you had a good breakfast of flat sausage and potato flappers before you went xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  18. The racetrack is actually 400m mooska. Its a mistake in printing
  19. The trophies and rosettes are certainly something else. I have 5 lurcher and terrier exhibitor passes up for grabs, please pm me if you want one. Please note these tickets are for monday only because thats all that are left.
  20. he is making his own recipe potene and jaggermeister bombs felltype,so anything could happen when he gives us his rendition of donald wheres ya troosers on the karaoke lol qualifiers this year are Earth dog,running dog, pride of the peaks, cock of the north, north wales, cumbrian, derbyshire bull x, national working terrier federation all both days. cmw midland sunday
  21. Tom you can bring your friend from your avatar with you lol.
  22. Thanks Tom,its all taking shape nicely now.We have some smashing raffle prizes including helicopter rides,ferret boxes,wine/spirits and beer.falconry days out,nets,hamper and even a fishing break for two.Thanks to everyone whos donated so far.There are seven falconers in attendance and there are also several falconry lessons up for grabs on the day and the winners in the kids classes get one each.There will be a few tickets up for grabs for lurcher or terrier owners from this site soon. Hope to see some of you there.
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