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The one

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Posts posted by The one

  1. I think your looking at this from the wrong direction what you should be asking is ,Is my jill a good enough worker to breed from her ,if theres any question at all use a snipped hob .Theres far too many jills being mated just wait till august september and see the amount being given away free

  2. Same type of problem here when the sheep and lambs where first put out the crows etc where eating a lot of the pellets out the sheep troughs ,we put a large letter box trap out baited it with sliced white bread and set it after a few days and thinned then out .A larson trap would only catch one or two at a time

  3. Your ferrets still a youngster your asking a lot of it i never class a ferret as a worker till there second or third year ,your finding out now that there might be rabbits in a berry but your ferrets not going deep enough to find them and bolt them .We work six at a time but the seasons drawing to a close and the rabbits will be caught other ways shame really as ferreting gives the best buzz

  4. What im saying is if somebody is posting 10/20+ posts every day they should manage to produce one pict of what there up to or it smells real fishy to me . A anti on here could just sit and watch post crap everybody takes them in and job done .With all the gear i take out hunting or shooting the camera is the first thing i leave behind but then i take a couple of pictures with my phone .

  5. If your doing pest control you have to work them ,these type of working sort out the men from the boys ,pick a nice frosty morning .Net up or run long nets round if you fancy a quieter approach then go have a cuppa for 10/15 minutes and then pop a few ferrets in if its quiet pop a few more in and sit back till the action starts

  6. Have you got loads of stuff in the hutch , pipes & toys etc & are they all sleeping in the same place

    Whats that got to do with where there sleeping ????????


    Might be to warm where you got the sleeping box .Dont worry about them being cold its heat they dont like

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