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Miss Tarka

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Everything posted by Miss Tarka

  1. At 7mths a dogs coat is generally not ready to strip...you may get some out of it quite easily now but it may not go short....we advise people not to start stripping until th dog is 9mths to a year as by then they should of lost all of their puppy coat...but each dog is different.... And with your other dog, how old is he/she?...you would need to try pulling it but i wouldnt say it was strippable yet...my friend clipped her schnauzer and had to wait a year to a year and a half before it was even slightly strippable....but again if it comes out easily then your on to a winner.... Atb Mi
  2. Was looking through my friends pictures and came across these three, so thought id put them up on here.... Hope you like them... Atb Miss T x
  3. She would of been clipped as her coat looks like its too soft to strip....her coat should grow back near enough the same...may not reach the same length it was and theres a high chanceit will grow back thicker and fluffier..... She looks good though....hope all goes well with the pups..... Atb Miss T x
  4. She is beautiful......we used to have an ESS called bramble my dad used to take her shooting....got a soft spot for the breed... Atb Miss T x
  5. There is a bit of pressure but its liveable...hehe and it is indeed madness...but wouldnt change it for the anything...love it when its busy and we're constantly doing something...the quiet days drag...lol Moneys not bad....but its one of those jobs youdo because you love it more then anything....We use knives mostly...finger and thumb is better on different areas where the knife is awkward to get there.... Do you still work from a shop?? Atb Miss T x
  6. Flippin' heck, when I started grooming it only took me 3/4 hour to clip a terrier and I reckon I could do one in 20 minutes now (then half hour on top if it needed bathing). I used to regularly strip 3 heavily coated Borders and it took me 2 and a half hours max for the lot. I could do an Airedale in 2 hours. (3 if you include a bath) The end result is totally different as it's a completely different procedure. Clipping leaves top coat and undercoat, stripping removes the top coat. I do agree with you on one point though that clipping ruins a coat, although more so on coloureds dogs
  7. Stripping is better for the dogs coat as it will allow it to grow back harsh...in Grooming Salon it tkes 4hours per dog....but doing it at home youu couild take as long as you wanted..... Clipping tends to ruin the coat and it tends to grow back soft and un-strippble....in a Grooming Salon tkes 2.5hours...both time allowences include bathing at a salon......just depends what you want to do....(also if your dog has been spayed/castrated this tends to ruin the cot to nd makes it soft) My Jack Russell will be stripped for as long as i can be bothered...then i'll get my friend to do it...h
  8. No idea if that was directed at me....but your welcome x
  9. Stunning...although would expect no less when it comes to Troy...seriously powerful looking animal.....Beautiful... Atb Miss T x
  10. You dont see the point in these threads because they start bickering...yet your quite happy to join in the bickering once it has started...if not fuel it a little bit..... And i dont really know what your reasons where or for what....and as for confirming them...im sure you've read something i have written and either not detected the sarcasam...ignored it...or actually thought i was serious.... Like i said i have no problem with you even after the comments made at me....just goes to show that once people have run out of constructive things to say they start throwing insults around and
  11. I was calling you sweetheart in a patronising way as thats all you small minded people seem to respond to..... and i can pretty much guess what you've told...and quite frankly people can think and say what they like....as long as those closetest to me know the truth i couldnt give a flying f**k what you think of me...... its funy how you start by sayingyou wouldnt be interested to stray then go on to say not with me......a) i wont lose sleep over it...married men really arent my thing, never been there and never will go there, contrie to peoples beliefs......and b} the second part of that
  12. hey im not married thank you very much! Really hype....damn...i thopught you were, clearly now your not i should lose all interest........lolo
  13. Damn ive been rumbled.........now what am i going to do now....... Seriously is that your only comeback....were you never told to not believe everything you hear..... And just for the record i havent started name calling...trust me you'd know if i had....so do me a favour sweetheart and dont waste your breathe and typing skills...trying to insult those who really dont give a f**k what you have to say...
  14. Get a fookin' grip WHY NOT f**k YOURSELF.... OH HERES THE INFORMERS MATE....f**k OFF My my my.......why is it that when people point out that you are making an arse out of yourself...posting stupid replies that make very little sense on a thread that people feel the only way to turn is aggressive.....now Fairgame.....LG...Fendog...and Matt the Rat are simply agreeing with what al has done as they know that its in the best intrest of the animals in question and in the best interest of his family...what is it about that concept you cant grasp.....What would you do in his
  15. Yes cause we all know thats they to get everything sorted in this day and age.....my lord...like yousaid LG a female she maybe but the word women doesnt come into the equation....
  16. Get a fookin' grip WHY NOT f**k YOURSELF.... OH HERES THE INFORMERS MATE....f**k OFF My my my.......why is it that when people point out that you are making an arse out of yourself...posting stupid replies that make very little sense on a thread that people feel the only way to turn is aggressive.....now Fairgame.....LG...Fendog...and Matt the Rat are simply agreeing with what al has done as they know that its in the best intrest of the animals in question and in the best interest of his family...what is it about that concept you cant grasp.....What would you do in his
  17. Fair play Al...... Anyone who cares about the welfare of oone animal let alone a whole load of them would do the same...... at the end of the day you've done whats right for those that cant speak for themselves.... as for this comment 'informing is wrong full stop..........why not knock his door????.....' why is people think going in all guns blazing is always the best way to go about things...for all anybody knows it could cause un-neccersary shite to al and his familly and animals, at least going about it this way if any shite comes his way he's got the backing of people that mat
  18. Awesome.....and done really well.... Atb Miss T x
  19. Member type... Member Name / User...Mr Stephen Winter Address...5 Cross Road Starston Norfolk IP209NQ View map...View map Email address...lorettajones03@yahoo.co.uk Preferred time of contact Any day : Any time Preferred method of contact Evening phone number Phone No. (Day time/Main)'...01379855072 Phone No. (Evening)...01379855072 Phone No. (mobile) Fax Web Site/Home page Not specif theres the details copied from epupz....Hope you get your dogs back LL...b******s....complete low life scum....he'll get whats coming to him....as they say what goes around com
  20. All time number 1.....Watching my dog run...doing what she was bred to do....thats the best feeling to me...can't beat it, to see a running dog at full stretch....twisting and turning....gaining on it quarry....then the strike...nout like it...im always so proud of her when shes doing what she loves....if she catches its a bonus that makes me prouder...... Number 2...when out walking and she all of a sudden stops....stands dead still....the anticipation that it creates not knowing if something is going to bolt....thats an amazing feeling to.... And im sure when my JRT pup goes ratting
  21. You're right there Miss T -its the only smell thats ever made me gip- literally & worth paying the vet to clear them out-especially if they are impacted. Tend to notice by the constant licking & horrible fishy smell. Other than that if its spreading it could be mange or an allergy Lol....i do it at work...dont even smell them anymore.....if they're not impacted you could enquire at a groomers if they do them would be cheaper but if they are its safer for a vet to do them as they could rupture and cause more problems.... How do you mean 'impacted'?? i have to clear is
  22. For two young children to lose their mum on mothers day is incredibly sad.....my thoughts are with them and my heart goes out to them and the rest ofher family and friends....RIP Jade Goody xx
  23. he smell You're right there Miss T -its the only smell thats ever made me gip- literally & worth paying the vet to clear them out-especially if they are impacted. Tend to notice by the constant licking & horrible fishy smell. Other than that if its spreading it could be mange or an allergy Lol....i do it at work...dont even smell them anymore.....if they're not impacted you could enquire at a groomers if they do them would be cheaper but if they are its safer for a vet to do them as they could rupture and cause more problems....
  24. RIP.....Really sad to hear that....heart goes out to his family....
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