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Posts posted by Chaz

  1. joanne hancock had a litle pack of them and waqs supossed to be good little workers.



    Do you mean Joan Hancock? She had some Cairns......


    She has westies now had cairns years ago I believe



    I find that hard to believe, she died several years ago...............


    Thats scary then as I must of seen her ghost about 6 weeks ago when I was there :whistling:

  2. My daughter has a Miniture Pincher, (left), and an English Toy Terrier, (right), they are both hyper active little shits, but if either could catch a healthy rabbit, I would eat my hat !!!!!







    I used to have a min pin and at about 14 lbs he was perhaps capable of catching rats but I think he pould of struggled to hold a full grown healthy rabbit , and my nephew now has a tiny min pin bitch and I feel if she grabbed hold of a rabbit the dog would disappear into the distance attached to the rabbit as she probably weighs less than a full grown rabbit



    Zar my old lad




    And Zena my nephews bitch





  3. just wondering if any of you folks use landywoods and if so how do you rate the produce?

    i wont be using their delivery service as i dont live too far away from them!

    cheers, matt



    I use them a fair bit, and I also collect so at least you see what you are getting,


    I normally feed lamb and veg, also chicken wings and carcasses, and also their RMB`s (marrowbones and lamb ribs)

    I have tried their minced chicken and the dogs weren`t keen and it seems more of a mush than anything else, so don`t get it anymore, but their minced meats and tripe always seem okay

  4. Chaz


    Vatican Tomthumb


    What i lovely looking dog you can send him my way if you like :clapper:


    were do you run them at...


    He is my favourite a real pet, he has been off injured for a month with a sprained hock, but did a fantastic sprint trial on tuesday (fastest sprint of the day) but he will be just kept ticking over as I have a competiton in mind for him in a few weeks, they have all run or still do run at Monmore Green in Wolverhampton

    thanks for the compliment on the BIG FELLA his kennel name is BRUNO and he was running at 36kg the other day and looks about right at that so will try and keep him near that :thumbs: :thumbs:

  5. Glad to see you got sorted Kay

    if you do ever want another or know of anybody looking we normally have a couple of retired dogs looking for good permanent homes ;)

  6. I would consider the pups from such a union as a longdog as opposed to a lurcher and before the Saluki came on the scene in a big way the whip/grey was considered a good example of a coursing dog and still are on certain terrain, but a cross that contains no base blood outside of the sighthounds is a longdog IMO,


    as for the racing side of it ,


    I can`t see the point in breeding a complex cross breed to race for a rosette at a country show when there are plenty of greyhound and whippet tracks about, so get a dog that was bred for the job and compete against the others of similar breeding as in my view lurcher racing can never be fair as their are to many variations in the crosses to compete on equal terms, at least whippets and greys are either raced in a grade or off a handicap, and not judged on size what the hell does size at the shoulder matter I would say a St bernard would struggle against a whippet over 150yds so the height at the shoulder is not a great way to handicap dogs ,

  7. its fallen threw awh well if you dont have any luck finding out,let me no, i can contact a trainer

    for you if you dont mind to travel to west yorks i can get you one free :thumbs:


    Thanks for the offer , it has to be local as i dont drive , but i am sure the local place will have a dog thats suitable :thumbs:



    Kay if you defintely want one get in touch with me I work for a trainer that has dogs on Monmore Green and we usually have a few dogs looking for retirement homes , you would be able tp come and have a look at what we have and take any you like the look of for a walk what have you , may even be able to arrange for you to try one at home and see if the dog suits your lifestyle



    If you are looking for a black dog I know Kev (rycot honcho) here is looking for a home


    Hope this helps



  8. I have recently given up the sport of pigeon racing and one of the contributing factors was the number of birds being lost to sparrowhawks, the hawks were even entering the lofts as the birds were coming in from exercise and trying to kill the birds on their perches, and more to the point scaring the others that badly that they would not return to the lofts and losing many young birds because of hawks strikes while they were out at exercise, I have even found a hawk in the loft eating one of my youngbirds , I had to leave the lofts and one of the birds was messing about on the roof so I left the sputnik trap open for him to enter when he was ready( these traps allow the pigeons to enter but not exit ) the hawk had obviously come in and found a nice captive dinner to enjoy,


    As I say the hawks were one of a few reasons but if it hadn`t come now I think sooner or later I would of packed up as the hawk problem was increasing year on year and it is sole destroying to watch birds that you have cared for , for many hours a day for years being killed in there own home,


    If you falconers came home and found a fox sitting in your mews having just dined on your nice Peregrine eyass I think you would be more than a little dis-heartened and ready to wage war on any fox that dared enter your area again, it is the same for pigeon fanciers some of whom have srent decades creating and maintaining families of these truly great endurance athletes

  9. I would think that if the lines are closely related then the blue is possilbly a recessive as Blue is a dilute of Black colouring in most breeds and if both parents are from close lines it may crop up , but I would be wary of mating blues together as there is a condition known as dilutiom alopecia in some breeds where the double bred dilutes lose some/most/all their coats due to the doubling up of the dilute gene


    Dilte colours


    Dilution Alopecia

  10. ..can you imagine if they mated it to some unsuitable dog and had pups with some inherited problem..


    Would they really care? After all, as long as it looked OK!


    To my mind the KC have ruined many good breeds and created nothing more than animals that fit the fashion of the day. Take the English Bull Terrier for example. Some t~~t at the KC decided that the flat forehead was no longer what is required but a rounded lamb-type head was instead. Why? Look at the Bulldog - f~~ked. And we could go on and on and find animals with all sorts of problems to do with hearing, bone growth, breathing, etc, etc. To my way of thinking if we want to save dogs breeds then the first thing that should be done is the Kennel Club disbanded. Then the true enthusiasts of the breed can be left to do it properly.


    As for placing breeding restrictions on an animal then I simply wouldn't buy an animal with that in place. And to the breeders that do this I would ask the following question: If you don't think the buyer has the good of the dog/breed at heart or the knowleadge required then why are you selling them a dog in the first place? I wouldn't sell any animal to anyone if I thought they didn't know what they were doing irrespective of how big the wad of notes on offer was!



    most inherited problems have nothing to do with looks. Im talking about producing something that carries epilepsy because the novice owner didnt understand about the problem in another dogs lines, or producing something with UAP because the novice owner didnt know about BVA testing, or cardiomyopathy or systemic shunt....and so on....got nothing whatsoever to do with looks....but has everything to do with producing a healthy dog that can still do the function it was originally designed to do without falling seriously ill or becoming crippled because the novice owner knew nothing about inherited problems.



    In my opinion the "PROPER BREEDERS" who test should be culling anything that are showing inheritable illness rather than passing them on to unsuspecting new owners because lets face it most backyard breeders will breed off the dogs papers or not and if they do not have the papers then they will be using the "Stud nextdoor" which probably has no papers and which may well be another CULL carrying inheritable defects, so not doing the breed any favours, or are they only representatives of the breed if they have a piece of paper saying so :hmm:

  11. If she was bred to un on a flapper with the intention of running on the independants she probably would not of been tattoo`d pups are normally about 12 weeks when they are tattoo`d,

    There is no real age limit on the flaps but 15 months on the NGRC before they can have trials

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