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Posts posted by lapin2008

  1. I have a very reckless dog.

    He is 2 1/2 years old and borderline in a position where he will need to be retired with various injuries some of which reoccuring ones. I am in the process of basically trying to physio him back to somewhere he can be run again but only time will tell and he will be pretty much out of action for the rest of the season.


    He is very good in some ways so I am persevering with him in the hope I can get another season or so out of him before he keels over in a big arthritic mess.


    I could get my head round it if he just ran into a post one night and that was it, but minor injury after injury and months of being laid up for months is a difficult one for both him and me

    • Like 2
  2. best of luck for the full recovery mate,


    easing yourself back into it slowly should see you right though, it will just be a hiccup in the grand scheme of things. I had a bit of a mishap a couple of years ago which had me bed ridden in hospital for 5 weeks and not able to move arms and legs. Almost fully back to normal now and able to carry my own game bag lol... well I may try drag that one out till the end of the season lol


    All the best


    If a wild life officer doesn't know the law then what chance do the others have?

    I'd print it off and drive to the police station with it, there's no way I'd not kick up a fuss


    Bad idea.




    All complaints have to be investigated. There's a mark against the coppers name.


    No matter what you all think, they'll f**k you over in another way. Check the motor etc.


    The very worst they could do is list your car on the PNC. Their ANPR's would then beep whenever you drive past and you'll get tugged week in week out. They can do this just because they feel like it and its a long legal process to have it removed


    Be polite, unfortunately, explain that the law is 'x'. Laminate two copies, and offer one to the the next rozzer to pull you as a gesture. EXPLAIN THAT ITS NOT JUST HIM - MANY ARE BLINDED BY INCORRECT MEDIA EXPOSURE. This takes the onus off their mistake


    If you've got previous, as a lot of normal lads do, and you're decent to them then they'll often be ok. Not always obviously, as you must have been bullied at school or somesuch to become one in the first place.


    A lot of fellas here are just causing more hassle than they need to. I dunno about you guys, but I get myself in enough bother as it is, without needing this as well.



    But assuming that everything is in order with your vehicle and that there are no outstanding warrants against your name. You have every right to go about your legal business free from harassment from the police trying to enforce imaginary laws.


    Edited to add: If you are driving through a 40 zone and you get pulled doing 30 because they feel like it or because in the police's personal opinion the speed limit should be lower, and they threaten to do you for it you would complain surely? to my mind the same applies here

    • Like 2
  4. Well I always thought that on permission I was allowed to send one dog up the beam to retrieve a rabbit but this copper was adamant that I was wrong and that he was right and when I tried to explain he got the right arse and that's when he scanned the dogs,he was a wildlife officer and I don't come on here to make up story's he genuinely had a little black case with. A proxy scanner in and i believe I was 100% right but that f****r was getting the hump the more I tried o explain!come on lads only asked how it worked as I know on permission I am not breaking the law on vermin rabbit and now like a few of you have said I should of got there names and numbers


    You're are allowed to use your dog to kill rabbits, the retrieving business is for other stuff


    I would print out a copy of the hunting with dogs act, highlight the relevant exemptions for rats and rabbits and keep it in the car with you in a plastic folder or something. Also reading it yourself probably wouldnt go amiss either.


    Edited to add: A formal complaint is also a must, the more that they get away with behaving like this the more they will do it. Take in the print out of the above act with highlighted bits when you go in.

    • Like 4

    I was told once that..


    A woman marries a man in the hope that she can change him but then finds she cant, whereas a man marries a woman thinking she wont change and she does.


    Mine didnt change much after we got married as she was already a grumpy twat


    tue that , ive been married 30 years yeh feckin 30 years lol, and its been feckin very hard at times.Got a lad 27 prob thats the only good thing out of it really, because the woman ive got now seems like a differnt person to the one i married. i think unless you want kids dont bother to get married, just go for a shag when you want but live by your self and do waht you want+when. :yes:



    The benefit of hindsight eh!

    I'd never regret anything because of the kids but she can't half take being a pain in the arse to a whole new level!

  6. I was told once that..


    A woman marries a man in the hope that she can change him but then finds she cant, whereas a man marries a woman thinking she wont change and she does.


    Mine didnt change much after we got married as she was already a grumpy twat

  7. the dales seem a tad slower this year, other bits I go on near me seem to be decent enough when compared to other years,


    Just had three nights on the trot down between stafford and stoke-on-trent and seen reasonable numbers there for the area probably more than this time last year when I was down that way last

  8. I was going to wish everyone a very Happy :censored: , but apparently " :censored: ", is exclusional and non-inclusive, so has been banned from use. There are some people who do not take part in :censored: , and we cannot allow them to feel marginalised any longer! So, a few sensible steps have been introduced, to increase the feeling of community cohesion, that we all feel is so important at this time of year............................


    You will no longer give :censored: presents, send your family :censored: cards, or attend your work's :censored: party.


    We must all be careful not to indulge in too much " :censored: spirit" tonight, and there will be no more debate about who will have the :censored: No.1 song. You will no longer be allowed to justify your friend's actions by saying "Go on - it's :censored: " , to suggest that " :censored: is for the kids" or that " :censored: only comes once a year".


    I'm sure that if we all follow these simple and sensible guidelines,not only will your degree of enjoyment be enormously reduced, but the :censored: season will be one that we will all remember for a very long time and for all the right reasons, and our multicultural, inclusive community will be enhanced into a beneficial and mutually positive experience, that we can all learn from !



    Happy non-denominational winter festivities to you all !



    :D:D:D ............................ :tongue2:



    (Happy Christmas, everyone ! BB)


    That would be a funny post if it weren't such a true reflection of the way things are heading


    Loads of calculators online that can work out how much you get paid while your taking a shit. I used i have a little app that sat on my desktop that would work it all out for me. Just put your salary in, number of hours click 'start poo' and 'end poo' when back at the desk and it would work it all out. Even down to a full per poo break down of tax liability


    More primitive online version lol



    Not to mention how much your being paid whilst finding this app,,,and coming on here to tell us about it.....do you do any work.....lol


    lol as little as possible

    • Like 1
  10. Loads of calculators online that can work out how much you get paid while your taking a shit. I used i have a little app that sat on my desktop that would work it all out for me. Just put your salary in, number of hours click 'start poo' and 'end poo' when back at the desk and it would work it all out. Even down to a full per poo break down of tax liability


    More primitive online version lol



    • Like 1
  11. I used to knock over a few as a kid with a sub 12ft/lbs air rifle. Have not shot duck for a while, must admit I miss it and the roasts that happen as a result. I was always told that if you shoot one make sure you should get the pair as they pine for a long time, I dont know if this is true but I just stuck with that. Photo taken maybe 20 years ago, some of you air rifle boffs will recognise what type of air rifle, I cant for the life of me remember, but I used to prefer open sights



  12. Saw some lads with dogs coming out of a 'nice little deer wood' this morning just off the A1............hope you had permission boys, bit full on right in view of the A1 though :laugh:




    hahaha I live 15 miles up the A1 from there and drive past the wood I think you are on about often. Usually 4-5 roe sat out most mornings, last light etc. Last year I broke down just off the services and parked in the lay by. Called these two beauties out of the wood while waiting for the AA.




    I am not surprised they have been tempted though risky as it may be

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