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About Joshluke

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter

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  1. I never stated I was going to offer my services, and remove them? Nor did I imply it, but thank you for the kind words.
  2. Don't forget all the deer took by dogmen
  3. Thank you all for the excellent advice. I think I'm going to just do as suggested, which is put in the miles. I will also go out at night with a light, and see if I can spot any that I wouldn't in the day.
  4. View Advert SMK Syntarg with Hawke scope - cash or trade Brilliant condition rifle, and Hawke vantage scope. I'm looking for £40 or swap for a John Wilson Avon quiver rod Pick up Doncaster Advertiser Joshluke Date 30/01/19 Price £40.00 Category Airguns  
  5. Now this may be a stupid question so apologies for that, but I'm really struggling. I just cant seem to find any land with Rabbits on it, how can I change this? I'm certain that with the amount of land around me there has to be some bunnies round here somewhere. Is there a certain time to go out to improve my findings, also what type of land should i look for? Thanks in advance
  6. Sorry I should of specified that it will be used for hunting using 3\8 steel. I shall take a look at the suggestions, and see what will work best. Regarding modifying the black widow, I believe if I was to turn the prongs to point outwards, and tie the bands on somehow. Sorry it's not the best description but I'm unsure of the correct knot name, and terminology. However if I am to do it i will happily make a thread showing how.
  7. I have a Barnett Black Widow, is it worth modifying it to replace the tubes with some flat bands? Also, to save making a new thread, if I am holding the slingshot sidewards, what should I use as the reference point? Thanks
  8. Good evening, I'm 22 years old, living in Doncaster, and love shooting as well as fishing. I currently use traditional fishing tackle, and picked up a Webley Stingray II Quatro yesterday. If anyone fancies a day out taking Rabbits or catching Chub, feel free to message me.
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