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Posts posted by Ptd87

  1. I agree with you Greenshank,  me personally I'd love to have time to train a dog "properly" don't get me wrong I can get a dog to work but not 100% all the time, but I haven't,  I've got way too much work to do as it is. I've not long started farming so work long hours all over the place to pay the bills , so for now buying is my best option 

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  2. I can work a dog but I'm stuffed if I can train one properly lol. I've had grand ideas about training pups in the past but I just don't have time so they get bored/nuts sitting in the truck etc and I get sick of them chewing truck up or I'm running round like a tw*t while they watch me out the window ?.. not fair and entirely my fault. so I buy adults now 

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  3. A lot of my family and friends are city people they have literally no idea about hunting , every single one of them is against it "because of the toff's " ... The same answer every time, doesn't matter what kind of hunting you mention it's the same answer... Rarely does anyone say it's cruel.....People don't even know what hunting is anymore so they just say no 

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