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Back Netting With A Longnet?


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Whats the best way to have the net hanging if rabbits could come from either direction?

I usually have my poles slightly angled and the bagging hanging out but perhaps on this occasion vertical poles with bagging hanging straight down?

Or will there be some unforeseen problems with this?

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I have a little drop I do where I put the net in a horseshoe shape around a gate. the rabbit runs inside the horseshoe and goes left, right or forward and with the net like this there's always one part of the net blowing the wrong way. it almost always catches for me. I also have a slack bottom line as the ground has paths were sheep walk.


never has it entered my head to peg straight but it's worth a try. trial and error


but if it was a net running in a straight line I would peg as normal with the pegs leaning away from the wind. this way you have done all you can to set correctly on 1 side and anything the other way us a bonus.


if the winds coming from the wrong direction just leave it for another night.

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I too always angle the net so the rabbits run into it,the reason to get the rabbit on the net before its nose touches the net, when its nose has touched the net it panics and turns on the net tangling itself.In your scenario having the net upright its nose will touch the net(from either side)before its on the net and this could cut your total catch,better to catch from one side and others are a bonus

Y.I.S Leeview

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Set the net to favour the side you expect the most rabbits to come from. Any that come from the other side will be a bonus, if you miss a few from the other side then they'll always be there for next time and another excuse to get back out. :thumbs:



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