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Whippet well and trully BANGED up!!!!

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I was out with the dogs just for a walk two weeks ago(haven't been able to log on for 3 weeks,and,no-one missed me :whistling: ),and,Ula got scent of something(munty I think)and gave chase into the woods,this does happen pretty regularly,so,I am used to it so I carried on around the wood while the terrier followed Ula.Usually she will overtake me after a hundred yards or so at a rate of knots,but,this time she just very gingerly wandered up behind me with her head down as if she had done something wrong,so,I immediately thought uh oh,another split pad or something,but,when I looked her over I saw a HUGE gash down her right side just behind her shoulder,so,I phoned the vet immediately and arranged to meet her at the surgery.We then took a slow walk back to the truck,as I didn't want to pick her up,as it was obviopusly very sore,and I also didn't want to contaminate the wound any more than it already was.I had to leave her at the vets where they cleaned her up,cut away part of the skin as it was dead(?)and then stitch her up,I picked her up this morning,and,luckily it appears that she has only damaged the skin muscle and not any major muscles ie. shoulder/chest or back,and,she has slept most of the day as I expected her to,but,I am dreading her waking up,and feeling like she wants to run around or play with the terrier,anyway for the not so squeemish here are a few pics of the wound before and after stitching.........I must just say,I am astounded by how much damage this little girl can take in her stride,Mike Brown surely has the toughest whippets about................
































I know the stitching looks a bit rough,but,the vet had to put all double stiches in to take the strain,as some of the skin had to be removed and it had to be pulled over to meet back up.

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I was out with the dogs just for a walk two weeks ago(haven't been able to log on for 3 weeks,and,no-one missed me :whistling: ),and,Ula got scent of something(munty I think)and gave chase into the woods,this does happen pretty regularly,so,I am used to it so I carried on around the wood while the terrier followed Ula.Usually she will overtake me after a hundred yards or so at a rate of knots,but,this time she just very gingerly wandered up behind me with her head down as if she had done something wrong,so,I immediately thought uh oh,another split pad or something,but,when I looked her over I saw a HUGE gash down her right side just behind her shoulder,so,I phoned the vet immediately and arranged to meet her at the surgery.We then took a slow walk back to the truck,as I didn't want to pick her up,as it was obviopusly very sore,and I also didn't want to contaminate the wound any more than it already was.I had to leave her at the vets where they cleaned her up,cut away part of the skin as it was dead(?)and then stitch her up,I picked her up this morning,and,luckily it appears that she has only damaged the skin muscle and not any major muscles ie. shoulder/chest or back,and,she has slept most of the day as I expected her to,but,I am dreading her waking up,and feeling like she wants to run around or play with the terrier,anyway for the not so squeemish here are a few pics of the wound before and after stitching.........I must just say,I am astounded by how much damage this little girl can take in her stride,Mike Brown surely has the toughest whippets about................




I know the stitching looks a bit rough,but,the vet had to put all double stiches in to take the strain,as some of the skin had to be removed and it had to be pulled over to meet back up.



It looks to me like she caught up with a muntjac buck who showed her exactly what he can do with his big canine tusks, an old friend had his whippet killed by one a couple of years ago and my terrier has 9 stitches in it from catching a muntjac buck in the week.

Edited by Lost Generation
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If I'm seeing right, which I think I'am, the wound looks alot worse than it actually is, ie its only a skin wound and has'nt penetrated the flesh, should heal pretty quick and without any lasting damage. I know this wont come as any consolation, but it could have been alot worse. Still the dog will be very sore.

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If I'm seeing right, which I think I'am, the wound looks alot worse than it actually is, ie its only a skin wound and has'nt penetrated the flesh, should heal pretty quick and without any lasting damage. I know this wont come as any consolation, but it could have been alot worse. Still the dog will be very sore.


yep , agree with the above looks bad but it ain't, 10 days it'll be healed & a month down the line you won't b able to tell it happened...pictures are hard to judge mind.

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I was out with the dogs just for a walk two weeks ago(haven't been able to log on for 3 weeks,and,no-one missed me :whistling: ),and,Ula got scent of something(munty I think)and gave chase into the woods,this does happen pretty regularly,so,I am used to it so I carried on around the wood while the terrier followed Ula.Usually she will overtake me after a hundred yards or so at a rate of knots,but,this time she just very gingerly wandered up behind me with her head down as if she had done something wrong,so,I immediately thought uh oh,another split pad or something,but,when I looked her over I saw a HUGE gash down her right side just behind her shoulder,so,I phoned the vet immediately and arranged to meet her at the surgery.We then took a slow walk back to the truck,as I didn't want to pick her up,as it was obviopusly very sore,and I also didn't want to contaminate the wound any more than it already was.I had to leave her at the vets where they cleaned her up,cut away part of the skin as it was dead(?)and then stitch her up,I picked her up this morning,and,luckily it appears that she has only damaged the skin muscle and not any major muscles ie. shoulder/chest or back,and,she has slept most of the day as I expected her to,but,I am dreading her waking up,and feeling like she wants to run around or play with the terrier,anyway for the not so squeemish here are a few pics of the wound before and after stitching.........I must just say,I am astounded by how much damage this little girl can take in her stride,Mike Brown surely has the toughest whippets about................................


I know the stitching looks a bit rough,but,the vet had to put all double stiches in to take the strain,as some of the skin had to be removed and it had to be pulled over to meet back up.



It looks to me like she caught up with a muntjac buck who showed her exactly what he can do with his big canine tusks, an old friend had his whippet killed by one a couple of years ago and my terrier has 9 stitches in it from catching a muntjac buck in the week.

....................friend of mine had exactly same cut in exactly same place and exactly same breed caught on a branch sticking out 41 stitches in totall .. sighthound on here knows the dog i am on about and made full recovery in jig time .. dont thing for one minute whippets are blouses i have had a few in the past and seen them hold there own even with the terriers they are as game as any other working dog in fact probably gamer but there size lets them down .. hope it mends quick and you guys are out soon ... :thumbs: Edited by beddyman
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Thanks everyone,and,you are right in as much as she was very lucky not to damage any of the important muscles that she could of very easily(shoulder/back/chest),and,she is well on the mend,in fact after a couple of days the hardest part was keeping her a bit quiet,and stopping the terrier biting her stitches out.

Here she is trying to get the terrier out of her favourite corner seat.................


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dont worry mate my little whip had a very bad accident a few months back at only 6 months and hes turned into a dinger as we call a good un over here mate,he ran into the kids trampuline playing with the lucher,he got skinned bad but heres some pics

after 1st op


1st daytime bolter you can see his scar



ps hope ur dogs mends ok mate my vet wanted to put my fella down but we stuck with him and hes paying us back arm over foot now ;)


The scar looks a little tight Addy,have you tried massaging it to help it losen up(just massage softly though)it should definitely help in the long run mate.................Martin.

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Hells bells my whippet caught her self last week and i was gutted it was a little scratch compared to that :blink: . Poor love give her a big hug xx


Hey I will do Tracy,thanks me dear................Martin. ;)

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