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Pigeon shooting and Blackberry picking

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My other half wanted some wild fruit for some pies she was making and i was only too happy to have an excuse to get out, despite the weather being shite, taking the shotty just in case some pigeons lofted over. The idea looked great on paper... but the reality was a belt of cartridges for just two pigeons and a handful of balckberries! It was like when you're fishing and get a bite just as you're pouring a scoulding mug of coffee out the thermous... except this time it was when i was off balance with my hand deep in the brambles.


The pigeons were pretty mobbed but there were a few stragglers floating around, keeping quite low because of the wind so that they'd just whistle over the hedge line. Trying to blend into the hedgerow whilst trying to extricate one hand from bryre with a white, flapping carrier bag and gun in the other just didn't work. What would have been a testing snap shot (for me) in normal circumstances turned into a no hoper but have a bang anyway. The flimsey carrier bag i had soon had a massive tear in it and was next to useless and the whole thing turned into a total farse. I finally brought down two pigeons that were so high they looked like starlings to take my cartridge ratio to 2/25 :icon_redface::toast: and went home (cold, wet and with hands in ribbons) with, literally, about 20 over-ripe balckberries... so much for the hunter-gatherer.

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