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just wondering ...


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In general, Broadwings, Redtails, Buzzards and to stretch a point Harris' Hawks, which are not exactly true broadwings, can require quite a lot of work to get them entered, i.e taking quarry. Longwings i.e. falcons are easier to get entered and Shortwings, Goshawks, Spars and the like tend to need no tuition to get them hunting. The above is a general observation as every bird is different and much depends upon the ability of the falconer/austringer to manage the birds' weight, get it fit and then put it in front of something easy for the first kill. Attempting to fly a young inexperienced bird at quarry that is beyond its' capabilities does nothing for the birds' confidence. My Harris' was not very good for her first two seasons, mainly due to myxy wiping out the local rabbit population: then something clicked and she got her act together and is now very, very good at what she does. But I know of many Harris' that make multiple kills within a short time of first going free; a lot of factors to take into account that determine just how quickly a new bird will start taking quarry. I also know of birds that have never caught anything and probably never will, but that is the fault of their owners, not the bird!

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In general, Broadwings, Redtails, Buzzards and to stretch a point Harris' Hawks, which are not exactly true broadwings, can require quite a lot of work to get them entered, i.e taking quarry. Longwings i.e. falcons are easier to get entered and Shortwings, Goshawks, Spars and the like tend to need no tuition to get them hunting. The above is a general observation as every bird is different and much depends upon the ability of the falconer/austringer to manage the birds' weight, get it fit and then put it in front of something easy for the first kill. Attempting to fly a young inexperienced bird at quarry that is beyond its' capabilities does nothing for the birds' confidence. My Harris' was not very good for her first two seasons, mainly due to myxy wiping out the local rabbit population: then something clicked and she got her act together and is now very, very good at what she does. But I know of many Harris' that make multiple kills within a short time of first going free; a lot of factors to take into account that determine just how quickly a new bird will start taking quarry. I also know of birds that have never caught anything and probably never will, but that is the fault of their owners, not the bird!

arnt you due another book? :whistling:

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I am very interested in hunting with hawks and falcons and was wondering how hard is it to train them to chase .. kill and not just fly away lol :D cheers

Hi where abouts do you live? if any where near me you would be more then welcome to spend the day with me, if not me, ask some someone,on here if you could tag alone,there are some great people on here,good luck :victory: if you dont ask you dont get :clapper:

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Its not rocket science mate, aslong as you now what your doing. For people who rush into getting birds without the necessary knowledge of the principles of wait control and trainning etc its not the entering you need to worry about but killing or losing the bird.


If you read up on it, dont rush into it, and hopefully have someone in your area to give you some guidance, then it is following basic principles. When, or if you do read and gain knowledge, you will find why only certain species are suitable for a beginners. Dont do it on a whim, it takes time and money to do it properly.


Dont worry about falcons spars or gos's , its like buying a high powered motor bike when your dad hasnt showed you how to ride a bicycle.

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