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Bloody pup split her pad...........Ba***rd!

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The pup split her pad running through a wood that has an old dump in the middle of it,I still can't call her off a rabbit.........or anything else for that matter.It is a clean cut,and she is keeping it clean so it aint too bad,just means that she'll be on lead duty for a couple of weeks,just as I was wanting to get her spiked up on a few half grown rabbits as well,still they will still be there later on,so we will just have to be patient.I have been putting some 'Aloe Vera Gel' onto the split,just to stop it drying out too fast,it looks ok at the moment,and she is just limping a little bit,and,she is keeping it pretty clean as well,here is the split just as I got home..................


It just goes to show that we must be sure that we know where the dogs are running(if possible)all of the time...................................................Martin.

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Its not the worst iv seen martin...... just keep it clean she will hold it up till it comes right and it will mend back like new just dont give her a walk for a few weeks and as i said keep it squeeky clean....... Then when its all mended up after a few months and you want to run her a bit dip her paws into metholated spirits and it will harden the pads up


All the best


Terrier man

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martin thats exactly where my dogs cut was just his was bigger and deeper .....down to bone hes fully recoverd now give him a few runs the otherday and 3 out of 3 hope she heals quick and as killemall say meth is a good solution to harden her pads

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