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Dog food ???

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IV just got my whippet now and shes very energetic and love to play at 6 weeks but whats the best food to feed a whippet on because when i got her she was opn dry food and porige now that iv got her shes on hard hounda food i mix in tined puppy food but iv notce a drop in weight what should i do ?? i dont ant here to be a scinny dog but i dont want her to be a fat dog what food is the best

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proberley just losing abit of puppy fat and taking shape. my pup is on dry buiscit mixed with tinned meat. atb

What?? losing puppy fat! and taking shape! WHAT AT 6 WEEKS OLD. I dont think so, the pup shouldnt have even left its mother yet, never mind being on drted solid food!

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IV just got my whippet now and shes very energetic and love to play at 6 weeks but whats the best food to feed a whippet on because when i got her she was opn dry food and porige now that iv got her shes on hard hounda food i mix in tined puppy food but iv notce a drop in weight what should i do ?? i dont ant here to be a scinny dog but i dont want her to be a fat dog what food is the best

You say you dont want your pup to be fat, well you should do. The more food it eats along with little and often exercise, the better your dog will be. Your dog will be a pup for many months, and it doesnt need to take shape till at least 12months old, you want to keep the puppy fat on him/her while it is bounding about and playful. Get its strenght up man. Food shouldnt be a problem at all at this age. Which brings me to, why has it left its mother at less than 6 weeks old???

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Have to agree a puppy shouldn't leave its mum till at least 8 weeks old, not only does it need the support of mum but it needs the mental stimulation of its litter mates to learn social interaction with other dogs ect but thats more down to the breeder than you.


a whippet puppy should never look thin, they need to be well covered which gives them the building blocks to grow into strong adults, a pup kept light in weight will never reach it's full potential as an adult..


heres what we are feeding our 12 week old pup to give you an idea.


Beakfast (7am)~ Scrambled eggs

12 noon ~ compleat dog food soaked in warm water for 1/2 hour to soften with raw minced beef and calcium powder (small pinch) as much food as she will eat in 10 minutes.

5pm ~ same as 12 noon but beef cooked (for veriaty)

9pm ~ small amount of dry food to keep her happy overnight.

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:wallbash::wallbash: Wouldn't it be better to have all this planned before bringing a pup home? The pup should be feeding little and often. Mince and meat will be best but in the meantime, although I don't like them if you have to get a proper complete PUPPY food rather than a dry food designed for adult dogs..........
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Thanks for the advice matey Yes i totaly agree on the age thing but the owner had to get rid of them but shes doing ok at the momnet

How old are you whippeter?? Just make sure the pup is kept well, warm, and give it love, it will feel vunerable alone at the moment.... AND FOR GODS SAKE, KEEP IT FAT.....

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kk mate thanks

she not alone all the time cus shes got my terrier to play with and she love that

at the momment shes on 4 feeds a day and i think i might ask the butcher for the scraps are these any good for dogs ow buy the way shes put on weight over the last 2 days and is better

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kk mate thanks

she not alone all the time cus shes got my terrier to play with and she love that

at the momment shes on 4 feeds a day and i think i might ask the butcher for the scraps are these any good for dogs ow buy the way shes put on weight over the last 2 days and is better

It depends on what kind of scrapes... Just feed on her the normal things what puppys eat for now, the things above. She is to young for scrapes, hearts or anything like that. TH=HEY WILL BE TO RICH FOR HER, AND HER STOMACH LINING WILL NOT BE ABLE TO HACK IT. S he will vomit and have diarea, just keep it simple... Wait till she is at least 12 weeks before going the butcher, and then only do it in moderation

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IV just got my whippet now and shes very energetic and love to play at 6 weeks but whats the best food to feed a whippet on because when i got her she was opn dry food and porige now that iv got her shes on hard hounda food i mix in tined puppy food but iv notce a drop in weight what should i do ?? i dont ant here to be a scinny dog but i dont want her to be a fat dog what food is the best


Does she need worming?

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