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playing anti's at there own game

Guest bigredbusa

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who was your grandad ossie???



sounds good to me :) so come on then whos the grandfather


he's not well-known out of the county, but among the "people in the know" of the Norfolk coursing fraternity, Fred Jackson holds a bit of weight. his father was a founding member of the Kimberely & Wymondham Coursing Club, many moons ago, and my grandad kept coursing & racing greyhounds for years. Mary Birkbeck still says that the best course she ever saw was between one of her dogs & one of my grandfathers. when i get shitty looks and upturned noses at certain stands at local events i have to do a bit of a "do you know who i am?" - it soon changes their tune! :laugh:

and he was reputedly the best darts player in Norfolk. :thumbs:

he passed away on christmas eve when i was 14, i wish i'd had a bit more time with him to pick his brains about dogs. he was a giant of a man, but was so calm and quiet with the dogs he could get them to do anything. people used to give him dogs they couldn't handle, and he'd sort them out. i miss him terribly.

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i've often thought, if the sabs infiltrate the hunting community to destroy from within, why don't the hunting community infiltrate the sabs? i'd be pretty good at it, i do a bit of acting, and i look like an anti - you wouldn't believe the dirty looks & grief i get at shows until i mention my grandfathers name!

how do you know they/we havent already infiltrated them :icon_redface:

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i've often thought, if the sabs infiltrate the hunting community to destroy from within, why don't the hunting community infiltrate the sabs? i'd be pretty good at it, i do a bit of acting, and i look like an anti - you wouldn't believe the dirty looks & grief i get at shows until i mention my grandfathers name!

Is your grandfarthers name Ardilies? :laugh:

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Guest bigredbusa

hey butch , everyone is traceable .

i'm very careful of what i put up on sites as sabs are watching this site , they get bored during the off season and now move back on to doing demo's outside of testing centres or doing arson attacks on the peoples firms who supply to them .


it's about time we had some more info on them in your own local area just incase :) ( i put them on par with kiddy fiddlers )


i have set up a forum but dont know if i should keep it invite only or just make it public as all names / pics will be of active sabs or convicted scum.


what i would love is for huntsman / terrirman infact anyone who knows of active scum to take photos of the scum and post them on the site

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hey butch , everyone is traceable .

i'm very careful of what i put up on sites as sabs are watching this site , they get bored during the off season and now move back on to doing demo's outside of testing centres or doing arson attacks on the peoples firms who supply to them .


it's about time we had some more info on them in your own local area just incase :) ( i put them on par with kiddy fiddlers )


i have set up a forum but dont know if i should keep it invite only or just make it public as all names / pics will be of active sabs or convicted scum.


what i would love is for huntsman / terrirman infact anyone who knows of active scum to take photos of the scum and post them on the site


On a par with kiddie fiddlers?, i think you'll find that a lot of them probably are.

That is only my own opinion of course wouldn't want to be liable :thumbs:

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Guest bigredbusa

well yeah it is , there is feck all on there but it's ready to go , problem is if it goes public the scum will just plague it .


and the problem with invite is it will have to work on a referal kinda thing , and as halfinch knows a bit too much about my upbringing i better give him an invite :)

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well yeah it is , there is feck all on there but it's ready to go , problem is if it goes public the scum will just plague it .


and the problem with invite is it will have to work on a referal kinda thing , and as halfinch knows a bit too much about my upbringing i better give him an invite :)


Thanks Busa, i just love anti hunting, :thumbs: what would you advise magnum 45 or just basic baseball bat? :laugh:

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Guest little_lloyd

Bigred,, Go for it,, Its about time the fieldsport comunity as a whole fought back :boxing: , After years of listening to the halfwit no it alls something needs to shut them up :yes:

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