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Guest ferretfinder

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Who the hell are you judging me you dont even know me !!! Chill out a bit woman!!



At what point have i judged you? believe me i am chilled you'd know it if i was'nt,i am the only one on this thread that said i was not getting at you.

i take it your a child so wont respond again as you have not got the mentality to take advice. I am afraid you may be suffering from cognitive dissonance.

:search: That told him then!


It's a GIRL.....




I see some handbags getting thrown on this one Lad's :clapper::clapper::clapper:


I bet the lil red box turns red.... :haha:

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Guest Lurcherbitch
Who the hell are you judging me you dont even know me !!! Chill out a bit woman!!



At what point have i judged you? believe me i am chilled you'd know it if i was'nt,i am the only one on this thread that said i was not getting at you.

i take it your a child so wont respond again as you have not got the mentality to take advice. I am afraid you may be suffering from cognitive dissonance.

:search: That told him then!



:11: :11: :11: :11:

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For god sake go and worry about some one else I didn't ask u to reply to my post!!!! If u dont like me dont talk to me I aint bothered only came on this sight to learn more not to get spoken to like some shit on the bottom of your shoe. I wasn't rude to you so have a little respect for me!!!!

if you go back and read the replys slowly you might learn something and dont post out if you cant take crititism :realmad:

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Cognitive Dissonance


Cognitive dissonance is a psychological phenomenon which refers to the discomfort felt at a discrepancy between what you already know or believe, and new information or interpretation. It therefore occurs when there is a need to accommodate new ideas, and it may be necessary for it to develop so that we become "open" to them. Neighbour (1992) makes the generation of appropriate dissonance into a major feature of tutorial (and other) teaching: he shows how to drive this kind of intellectual wedge between learners' current beliefs and "reality".



Beyond this benign if uncomfortable aspect, however, dissonance can go "over the top", leading to two interesting side-effects for learning:


if someone is called upon to learn something which contradicts what they already think they know — particularly if they are committed to that prior knowledge — they are likely to resist the new learning. Even Carl Rogers recognised this. Accommodation is more difficult than Assimilation, in Piaget's terms.

and—counter-intuitively, perhaps—if learning something has been difficult, uncomfortable, or even humiliating enough, people are less likely to concede that the content of what has been learned is useless, pointless or valueless. To do so would be to admit that one has been "had", or "conned".

On cognitive dissonance and sour grapes


A more formal account


Cognitive dissonance was first investigated by Leon Festinger and associates, arising out of a participant observation study of a cult which believed that the earth was going to be destroyed by a flood, and what happened to its members — particularly the really committed ones who had given up their homes and jobs to work for the cult — when the flood did not happen. While fringe members were more inclined to recognise that they had made fools of themselves and to "put it down to experience", committed members were more likely to re-interpret the evidence to show that they were right all along (the earth was not destroyed because of the faithfulness of the cult members).


:11: :11: sorry I had to look it up....

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You should try at look at the other point of view. I will give you an example of what could happen. I was walking my two dogs a while ago, through woods leading to a golf course. I could hear 2 terriers yapping away, and having fun, so put my deer/grey on the lead, he isnt nasty, but is very rough. Anyway, these two jack russel came flying up, and being jack russels, decided to have a go. Basil [the deer/grey] picked one straight up, and threw it over his back, and would have killed it, had i not had him on a lead, the other got a hammering from my patt/mongrel, who doesnt suffer fools at all. This i knew about with the little terrier, but my deer/grey was a nice placid animal with others until this happened, now he is, at best, dodgy with terriers, which has really pissed me off, in fact, i have to watch him with all dogs now, all this is because someone didnt control their dogs, so you see there is always two sides.

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Guest ferretfinder

And thank you I understand that!!! I as wrong ok !!! And I dont mind being told that I am in the wrong but there are ways and means to tell people!! I just think some people are way harsh!!!! And I am sorry if I have offended anybody!!!!

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Guest Lurcherbitch
I aint argueing over walking dogs on a lead its daft!! Life is too shirt to argue over daft stuff!!!



Ok. lets start again.

We are not getting at you, you are obviously young and out to learn. I did state in my first post i was'nt getting at you. But please see it from other people's point. Some of us have dog's that could of harmed your's or even killed them, so please take the advice. ;)

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Guest Lurcherbitch
Come on peeps give it a break weve all made mistakes and im sure lots of you have walked dogs off the leads before. ;)



I walk mine off lead most of the time, but that wasnt the point of the thread :rolleyes: . Anyway it's all sorted now. Anna's fine n socks is a perv, lets leave it at that :11:

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