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Two lurchers one kennel!

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i am thinking of getting another dog but i was wondering what dogs are like in the kennel with each other because ive only ever had one dog and bitches


i will be keeping my two bitches seperate from the dogs because of their season and that but was wondering if anyone kept their dogs with each other and if they will get on....i spoke to someone yesterday and they said that if i kept a dog with my other dog they will probably fight...i wanna know your views lads/lasses





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i am thinking of getting another dog but i was wondering what dogs are like in the kennel with each other because ive only ever had one dog and bitches


i will be keeping my two bitches seperate from the dogs because of their season and that but was wondering if anyone kept their dogs with each other and if they will get on....i spoke to someone yesterday and they said that if i kept a dog with my other dog they will probably fight...i wanna know your views lads/lasses





hi mate hows things going this is steve from hayes i would keep a dog and a bitch in the same kennle not two dogs in one kennle cheers and regs steve
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personally wouldnt kennel 2 dogs together but i suppose it depends on the personality of the dogs and how well socialised they both are. youd need to let them run together and see how they get on and keep a close eye on them when foods around or if you've got a bitch in season on the yard. most dogs will use any excuse for competition.

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I keep a dog and two bitches together (lucky bugger ;) ) but it's down to a lot of different elements such as the breed involved and the separate characters of the individuals as well as the group dynamics. Mine are very pack-like, for want of a better phrase, so get on well with few problems and any problems which do occur are sorted out quickly and easily amongst themselves (touch wood!).

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hes fine with my bitches and my young pup bitch bullys him and he dont show any interest in her whilst in the garden or in the kennel with her he keeps himself to himself but when hes out and he sees other dogs/bitches he wants to kill them apart when i go out coursing with him hes fine with other dogs hes a proper character but does what hes told

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dogs are ment to fight alittel its how they sort themselves out unless there pig headed it shouldnt last long and i doubt they'd be blood between to lurchers if you dont let them sort them selves out young when there older and you leave them unsupurvised for a minute there will be blood

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