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Hugh fernly whittingstall

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i think he left it in the show because he wasn't charging £20,people started by saying 12,15,18,20 then £22


he was just showing how a rumour mill works, everyone said they "heard he was selling for " but none of them knew.it's a an interesting show in that it shows people that animals die for food and might help them link these animal deaths with their own lives and desire for meat. maybe just maybe the might see hunting for food as only slightly different in death for the animal and a lot better in life.


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........i keep anywhere between x amount and x amount of assortments of gamefowl....


now it is very small numbers compared to these farms etc, but lets say,..slightly more than your average poultry keeper,


now my whole point on this show and the people who 'want to buy' cheap chicken is this...if those people who were all for buying cheap chicken from these farms came to my place and saw 17 birds crammed into a space of 1metre,...if the rspca came to my place and saw 17 birds in a metre space,.....then surely they would be complaining and wanting me strung up?...infact there would be up roar,...


so surely something is wrong here..isnt it?........as for the price of hugh's free range, well on a personal note i wouldnt pay that for a chicken to eat, but he obviously values his birds at that price and surely he is allowed to value his stock at what he wants....?



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Hes a con man.....and his prices are well well over the top at the river cottage shop, its NOT for local people its for rich incomers and townies, Axminster is a normal rural Devon town, soon to be ruined........ :( :(


Great point of topic though is the free range chickens debate, and I whole heartedly agree with the man, but the guys a prize TIT, and has contributed to ruining a local community :(

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Hes a con man.....and his prices are well well over the top at the river cottage shop, its NOT for local people its for rich incomers and townies, Axminster is a normal rural Devon town, soon to be ruined........ :( :(


Great point of topic though is the free range chickens debate, and I whole heartedly agree with the man, but the guys a prize TIT, and has contributed to ruining a local community :(



now i divvent kna anything about hugh, so i cant coment on him personally,..or about axminster....but i can say this,....if someone locally to me,...was selling free range birds at a 'top price', then to me thats fine, he obviously values his birds at that price, and if he was selling them, well best of luck to him.....im from a north east colliery village, well ex colliery village,....and as far as been run down and deprived there isnt many places worse, and alot of unemployment and drugs crimes etc,..infact its rife, but its hyem and i like it :D .... so i doubt many people would pay that money for chicken,..but if someone was making a go out of selling birds at that price then surely its nothing to do with the likes of us who wouldnt buy them?....but i understand that HFW may be a con man with the t.v and what ever else hes involved with but i cant say as i know nothing about him or whats going on in that area....


ive paid some 'decent' money for birds...albeit alive :D and ive bought them because i thought they were worth it,....where as some people would think im mad as to them, its just a chicken....and ive also sold them at decent money, because i have valued the bird at that price....and thats what they were worth


so if a man sells a dead bird at £20 then surely its up to him and the cutomer....he obviously belives they are worth that,....



but regardless of the prices of these birds.....what i cant understand is how these people who buy these cheap chickens think its acceptable (maybe not acceptable, more like turn a blind eye) at how these birds are kept...yet if i had 17 birds in a metre space and they saw it, they would want me prosecuted for animal cruelty...



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it's a very good programme as are all the series he's done


BUT correct me if i'm wronge but he claims to be dead agains intensve poultry farming ect yet he's willing to star in a show which has delibratly set up a indoor chickin rearing shed using the very conditions he claims to hate so much yet hes willing to do it to educate us all? or is that to line his own pocket by staring in the show?.


surely his own conciance about intensive farming (if as strong as he claims it to be) would have stopped him from being involved in such a show unless he's out for the MONEY!.

i think he feels that strongly about that he was willing to do it to show people where ther chickens are comeing from and he is right people who can afford to buy free range chicken should be buying it

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