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I am looking for a 1st cross Border Collie x Greyhound, is anyone currently breeding this cross?

I had a 3/4 cross Hancock bred bitch In the early nineties, the bitch was stunning to look at and very fast, but I found her very distant, and awkward to train. At the time I questioned whether it was me, but having subsequently owned another locally bred collie bred lurcher that was dead easy to live with and train. I can honestly say that my Hancock bitch had a difficult temperament.

Recently I have reflected why is it that some people have had bad experiences with Hancock dogs, whereas others love them?

Maybe it's the Beardie blood, maybe the lack of socialisation? But none of this adds up as there are examples of decent Beardie dogs with the same lack of human contact that appear ok.

I Guess what I'm saying is where on earth do you buy a genuine first cross Border Collie x Greyhound that has been socialised?

Any suggestions?





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You didn't say that your bitch had beardie blood in it. But if it did, I'd say that's where the problem lays. Forget beardie blood, and just stick with border. All the dogs from hancock's WITHOUT beardie blood in that I've seen, have been easier, far easier in most cases, than dogs with beardie in. And I'm going from when he first started breeding, up til now. Even my old dog that taffy was the sire to, dam a greyhoundy mongrel lurcher, great catch dog, but a c**t of a brain scrambler! There'll be people on here that will say different, and you've got to 'work with, around, put up with the beardie quirks' etc. Rubbish. There are a few people breeding genuine collie/greys, but not many litters or in any regularity. Quite a few people dotted about the country breeding dogs bred down from hancock dogs as well, but again, the ones with beardie in are still 'quirky' as f**k. 

Go easy on me lads, IT'S CHRIIIIIISTMAAAS!! ?

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Thanks Shaaark, My old dog was a Wendell bred bitch, Wendell was Taffy's full brother I think? Only 1/8 Beardie but drove me around the bend. So This time I just want to try a Border collie cross, for me the point of adding Collie is to have a dog that is eager to please and biddable. I Know people swear by Beardies and I'm not knocking them, but it's not an experience I personally would wish to repeat.

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imo collies in general are quirky, one border bitch I know is next level quirky lol could fill pages about her.

as for getting a pup, same as any other breed wait for a litter to come up - breed your own or support puppy farming and get one off Hancock..

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1 hour ago, SussexMike said:

Thanks Shaaark, My old dog was a Wendell bred bitch, Wendell was Taffy's full brother I think? Only 1/8 Beardie but drove me around the bend. So This time I just want to try a Border collie cross, for me the point of adding Collie is to have a dog that is eager to please and biddable. I Know people swear by Beardies and I'm not knocking them, but it's not an experience I personally would wish to repeat.

The beardie collie mentality certainly seems more quirky to me than border collie, far more quirky in fact. Yes I suppose some border collies and their crosses can also be a bit quirky, but all the border crosses, both half and three quarter breds, have been easier to train, work, not saying better work dogs, and live with than dogs with beardie in. Don't know about other 'lines' of beardie, just going by the ones I've seen

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I would also add, that these days, with the winters being milder than they've been for years, I don't see the point in having a dog with all the coat that most beardie crosses have. Risk of overheating is all too easy after a couple of runs, and you WILL see your dog fade quite quickly. 

I'd go border over border/beardie or beardie every time

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