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forley cup

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And here's where I get to bask in a little bit of reflected glory. I suggested Charlie as a stud for Blondie due to the high number of good coursing animals he was producing......of course Alan didn't need me to tell him that....he can work things out for himself....but all the same I was real chuffed when the mating worked.

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i think that dog is to skinny

who keeps giving this fella the thumbs up ? must be his mum and nan ! seagul and joe bred foxy. and they wernt a patch on foxy thereselfs. Do you know micky drew who started that line? if you do ask

mostly plough at boston and killing hares on plough don`t count.... none of the critics entered the forley cup because real coursing men won`t have anything to do with anyone who thinks it`s ok to run

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Slightly different angle......



If young people want to get into the coursing game this is the picture they should put up on there wall what an animal didn't know dog had muscles in the places that dog as them.

credit where credit due to the man or women who has this dog in that sort off shape :thumbs:

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And here's where I get to bask in a little bit of reflected glory. I suggested Charlie as a stud for Blondie due to the high number of good coursing animals he was producing......of course Alan didn't need me to tell him that....he can work things out for himself....but all the same I was real chuffed when the mating worked.



get a bit fed up with hearing tales like "due to the high number of good coursing animals he was producing "..........

there has never been an abundance of good coursing animals, you can talk all the bollocks you like on here but that`s all it is, bollocks.

the forley cup was ran ay south kyme area, where the hares are poor and always have been, the fast dogs that were "legends" in the forley cup

would have been blown to bits further down the a17 on good hares, i`v seen many of them turn up for one day and never come again because they can`t kill 3 out of 3,

some of them can`t kill one f****r !!!! good dogs have always been scarce but i don`t think many people on here have ever seen one, or understand what a good hare is !

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The Boston area held good hares until operation leveret kicked in and even the lads with permission had to stop going. I know Dancer was ran a lot down there before she won the Forley. I've been as far south as Wisbech coursing, but as I've said before, if the South Kyme hares were so easy and the competition won by duffers, why did none of it's critics ever enter and win it themselves. It's easy to try to belittle the men and their dogs who did have success now, but before the ban the simple way to prove a point was to compete and win. I seem to remember less crabbing when that was the case.

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The Boston area held good hares until operation leveret kicked in and even the lads with permission had to stop going. I know Dancer was ran a lot down there before she won the Forley. I've been as far south as Wisbech coursing, but as I've said before, if the South Kyme hares were so easy and the competition won by duffers, why did none of it's critics ever enter and win it themselves. It's easy to try to belittle the men and their dogs who did have success now, but before the ban the simple way to prove a point was to compete and win. I seem to remember less crabbing when that was the case.



mostly plough at boston and killing hares on plough don`t count.... none of the critics entered the forley cup because real coursing men won`t have anything to do with anyone who thinks it`s ok to run two dogs on one hare.

that`s just one reason, there`s loads more, and what`s the point of running bad hares all the time ? the two dogs you like to talk about the most on here seem to be seagull and foxy, well, they weren`t bred from forley f*****g legends were they ? no pal, they were bred from single handed coursing dogs that were ran on the best hares that could be found. run hares were you like, i`m not bothered.. i just don`t agree with comments about good dogs, they are few and always have been.

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Erm,...... perhaps you would like to make a few enquiries about the Forley cup competitions before you go straight into attack mode next time you tell me I'm talking bollocks! The Forley was single handed, but more than that the dogs were slipped not by their owners, but by designated slippers who's job it was to give long starts to the hares in order to weed out the less talented dogs and get through the card before dark.

The land I was on at Boston was seed, not plough and I have enough video footage of Dancer and others running the same seeded land prior to operation leveret to keep me entertained all evening.

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The Boston area held good hares until operation leveret kicked in and even the lads with permission had to stop going. I know Dancer was ran a lot down there before she won the Forley. I've been as far south as Wisbech coursing, but as I've said before, if the South Kyme hares were so easy and the competition won by duffers, why did none of it's critics ever enter and win it themselves. It's easy to try to belittle the men and their dogs who did have success now, but before the ban the simple way to prove a point was to compete and win. I seem to remember less crabbing when that was the case.



mostly plough at boston and killing hares on plough don`t count.... none of the critics entered the forley cup because real coursing men won`t have anything to do with anyone who thinks it`s ok to run two dogs on one hare.

that`s just one reason, there`s loads more, and what`s the point of running bad hares all the time ? the two dogs you like to talk about the most on here seem to be seagull and foxy, well, they weren`t bred from forley f*****g legends were they ? no pal, they were bred from single handed coursing dogs that were ran on the best hares that could be found. run hares were you like, i`m not bothered.. i just don`t agree with comments about good dogs, they are few and always have been.

Are we saying that dogs such as Dancer , Blondie ,couldnt kill a hare single handed ? !!!! Are we also saying CN would have nothing to do with AS ?? !!!
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You're right about one thing Gonzales, Foxy, Dancer, Sniper, Fettle, Lucky, Roxy et al weren't bred from Forley legends....they became Forley legends because of how they performed. Blondie was the only Forley legend to be bred from a forley legend, and she was bred by a forley legend!!

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You're right about one thing Gonzales, Foxy, Dancer, Sniper, Fettle, Lucky, Roxy et al weren't bred from Forley legends....they became Forley legends because of how they performed. Blondie was the only Forley legend to be bred from a forley legend, and she was bred by a forley legend!!

Lucky (the dark destroyer) won the forley in 2001 joint winner with fettle, he then produced Tina who won it in 2004, also snowy won forley legends in 2002 and a daughter to her won it a few years later :thumbs:

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You're right about one thing Gonzales, Foxy, Dancer, Sniper, Fettle, Lucky, Roxy et al weren't bred from Forley legends....they became Forley legends because of how they performed. Blondie was the only Forley legend to be bred from a forley legend, and she was bred by a forley legend!!

Lucky (the dark destroyer) won the forley in 2001 joint winner with fettle, he then produced Tina who won it in 2004, also snowy won forley legends in 2002 and a daughter to her won it a few years later :thumbs:


Thanks Desert hunter, but the comp split with the Forley Cup being continued as a club comp on other land as a series of matches and run by the Association, while the comp that the lads ran on South Kyme was renamed Forley legends and carried on with the big day out for all on the one day. I didn't go to any of the cup comps after the split but went to the Legends, so my reference to Forley legends might have been more accurately described as South Kyme legends. I meant no slight whatsoever on the dogs you've highlighted and would be glad to feed any of them. :notworthy::notworthy:

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You're right about one thing Gonzales, Foxy, Dancer, Sniper, Fettle, Lucky, Roxy et al weren't bred from Forley legends....they became Forley legends because of how they performed. Blondie was the only Forley legend to be bred from a forley legend, and she was bred by a forley legend!!

Lucky (the dark destroyer) won the forley in 2001 joint winner with fettle, he then produced Tina who won it in 2004, also snowy won forley legends in 2002 and a daughter to her won it a few years later :thumbs:

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no shit dogs would of won a forley cup i would of liked to have won one.......i think when it split the competition ran in matches tested the dogs consistancy more than the south kyme one as it was best on the day won well done to all that won anyways

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