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What Fox Round

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Like you, I'm a sheep farmer.


I have a .17Hornet, .204, .222 and a .243 all set up for foxing. What do I take with me everyday, why the .17 Hornet of course, it fits the job nicely. I've taken out foxes up 250 yds and crows to 300 with no problems. What more could you want.

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I understand what has been said about rounds such as 22-250 and 243 and I know they are very good as I have friends who shoot these rounds, but I just think for what I need they may be a bit of a over kill. Kind of like owning a sports car but never doing more than 30 mph in it if that makes sense. That's why I sort of thought 17 hornet?

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Tom - Got a ticket for a .17 here for exactly what you are looking to do with it. Recommended by local FAO.


P.S You ever need any of those reds sorted, I will quite happily spend my nights wandering around!


Hope you, wife, dogs and sheep are well.

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In your situation mate,if you are not bothered about deer,or certainly the larger species, I would go .22-250, out to 300 yards it is very much a point and shoot round,ammo is readily available,the choice of rifles is vast, and on foxes bullet placement is not so vital with a frangible 50grain bullet doing around 4000fps :D there is no such thing as overkill mate, dead is dead,the .17 hornet is a good little round, no doubt about it, the .17rem even better, but as an all round,stood the test of time, fox medicine rifle,the .22-250 which has the advantage of being small deer legal, is still very much a player, in fact to many who use it, its not a player,its the coach :yes:

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