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The Earthdog and Co. Rat hounds

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Malc and his mate arranged to go ratting yesterday up on the North Yorks Moors. I should have been working, but managed to wangle the day off to go with them. An hour and a half journey and we arrived on the free range poultry farm. Had a reccy round, unloaded the dogs, smoker, digging gear, and set off.


Firstly, the farmer wanted us to have a look around the barns. Found a few holes, positive marks from the dogs, got the smoker in and rat number one was accounted for by our lot.




The Border standing back is little Hope, 6 months old, came along to see what it was all about. Wasn't expecting her to do anything apart from watch and learn.


Another mark from Atol in another hole, and she accounted for rat number 2.




Went round the back of the barns and dogs straight away marked a hole. The vegetation round here was pretty high and hadn't died back enough to see what was going on properly. Got the smoker in a hole and as soon as Malc got it going rats were bolting everywhere. Dogs accounted for a good few straight away. Got the dogs together and had a good look around. The ground was absolutely full of holes. While we were looking around the rats were running around past our feet (Glad I had my combats tucked into my boots! :D ) We missed a good few, but the dogs caught a good 40 rats in this space alone!


Hunter and Atol waiting for a bolt.




One for Imbra.




Our lot.












Tick, Denis, and Hunter all accounted for one under here.




Atol using the brakes for once! The rat was caught on the other side of the fence by one of the terriers.




Moved on to another part of the farm, had a few friendly spectators... :clapper:




Think little Denis got on this one first.




The earthdog team (with little Hope joining in)!






Another for Atol the rat catcher extroadinare! How can one dog be in so many places at the same time! She's by far the star member of the ratting team!




Little Hope was getting interested by now, and found a half dead rat.




Pendle and little Hope.




Hopes rats! She didn't kill one by herself, but we were over the moon with her!




Tick marking from the other side of the bales from me.




All in all, a great day, got sorted with some more ratting permission, farmer said we can all take a Turkey home next time, so that's Christmas dinner sorted.


Counted 93 rats, give or take a few. Roll on next time!



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