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Keeping An Entire Dog With A Unspayed Bitch?

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After a few months of looking for a pup I have manged to find a litter and a pup i like. I currently have an entire cocker spaniel dog and the pup is a labrador bitch. Whats are peoples views on keeping opposite sexes in a house? the cocker pup is kept inside since day one has his own crate. The Lab when i collect will be 11 weeks. should i keep her in a kennel? then what age should I do this? or any other suggestions?

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Opposite sexes are fine together: just kennel the bitch when she is in season. Two is company when you're not there, so why put one in a kennel when the other is in the house? Much better for dogs to have each other's company. Our bitches go in the kennel when they're in season and they know the routine once they've had their first season.

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I keep two entire dogs one unsprayed bitch and one spayed bitch all in a big kennel block. We just take out the unsprayed bitch and she comes into the house when she is in season, She is exercised and crated until her season is over. That said she will be spayed this year as we have decided not to breed from her.

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