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Kelpie Chat At The Local Bus-Stop


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I was walking two of my kelpies, Scout and Noggin, to the local wood a few days ago when I noticed a couple waiting at the bus-stop just before the wood. The chap looked like he'd seen a ghost and was nudging his wife excitedly and gesturing towards the dogs. As I got closer he said in a broad Australian accent, "Useful looking dog mate, looks like he's got a lot of Elfinvale in 'im."


It turned out that he was an ex-shearer who'd kept kelpies for thirty odd years and he was on holiday with his wife. He was very impressed with Noggin (my five month old pup) and added that all his had been, "more mongrelly lookin' like yer other one." Poor Scout...it's not her fault she looks like a prick-eared whippet with dieting problems.


His most interesting comment was that his best ever dog had been a bedlington x kelpie..."Good little rabbiter too." When I bought my first lurcher in the early 90s, many people rated mating a collie cross to a bedlington cross to get the best qualities of both and I know some feel the same now about crossing bull blood and collie blood. Also, in the 80s 0r 90s I remember reading several articles in the Shooting News about bedlington x collies as bushing/ferreting dogs. Personally, I find my kelpies more terrier like than my previous collie crosses and wouldn't want to add any more in that direction but I wondered what others' opinions were.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do you mean the kelpie or the bedlington?


When I bought my second and third kelpies my wife was terrified of killing one of the dogs on the farm as they kept diving at her wheels as she drove down the farm track.

My bitch is particularly terrier like in her outlook (as well as physically...if I hadn't met the parents I'd swear she was a patterdale x whippet) and the only time she switches off is when she's indoors. My two males are from a slightly different line though and are far more easy going.

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