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Jah Jah Binks

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Well,I've been taking my mate "Charlie" out for a while now at least once a week with his female harriss "RUBY" and I must say she's the best harriss I've ever seen fly to date,nothing seems to escape her and she has taken a lot of fur and feather.One week last sunday when the ice was on the ground we set off to ferret a few rabbits after lunch,now I'd already been out and had a good morning with my dogs so this was just a little bonus hunting before tea,the dogs marked up a couple of holes so the ferrets were popped in for a nice flight and kill to get the party started,so,it was on to the next field to work a pond that normally holds a lot of duck and rabbits around it,"RUBY" was cast up high in a tree as the dogs came on point in the hedge just before the pond but before we could send the dogs on there was a large splash in the pond,thinking she had accounted for another duck we ran round to see her on the edge of a floating reedbed with a kill of some sort,now I'm sure you've all been there,the birds way out in the middle of the pond in a very precarious place to get to and time is of the essence before she gets a chill or feeds up to much,"Charlie" being an ex-para decided he would strip off and swim over to get her,this all turned to sh*t in a flash as the mud was about 5 ft deep and with only shallow water on top it was far to dangerous,he was p*ss wet through and freezing,so plan B was to build a bridge of rotting wood out to the bird across the back of the reedbed,this took 15 mins or so but worked all to find she'd killed a f*ckin moorhen,she had eaten a lot of it by this time so was left to it while "Charlie" put some clothes back on,he's been growing a moustache for charity in "movember" and anyone driving past looking over would of thought we were shooting a "porno" movie,LOL's,here's a few pics from that day and some from before,atb,WM






a nice woodie well taken





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