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Shooting Crows Over A Freshly Ploughed Field

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hi just wondering if anyone ever tried poping up a hide in a hedge back whitest the fields are being poughed, as i was ploughing the field for my grandad there was an awful lot of crows flying past my tractor cab and i thought if someone was to be in hide against the hedge you might bag a few crows has anyone tried this ?

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You're getting a reputation now Skot :laugh:

in what way? sounding like a dumbass?

Shooting these birds, they're getting to know who you are ;P


Apparently crows can recognise faces, count, etc there one of the smartest birds and apparently they can be taught to speak aswell.


I find I can walk right upto them and get about 3 yards away and they just hop around without flying off, in the street, but soon as your in a field or in some woods they go into high alert as soon as you get 80 yards away from them! then when you get to 40 yards and get ready to try get a shot they just fly off again, little bastaaads

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They're pretty clever, I recall seeing a video of how they use natural hook shaped items to retrieve jewellery amongst other items.


Haha because they know you can't get them, it's a bit like chavs in daylight :thumbs:

I have the same with pigeons, its like they coo as if to laugh at me! <_<

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everyone has something they find hard to shoot.

I think woodys are pretty hard to sneak up on, others swear blind that theyre easy!

I mainly get squirrels but I bet theres people who have never had one...

i never shot a squirrel i can never get a shot

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