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What you using,shotty,rifle,what calibre? I have a variety of rifles and shotguns, 410, 28bore 20bore 20bore semi 3 shot, Rifles .22Air Rifle, 22 Rimfire, .17HMR, .22 PPC .308synthetic stock .308 wooden stock, 6.5 x284 synthetic

You need to tell us more on what your intentions are,is the land grazing,woodland,small holding etc? My intentions are to reduce the fox population in the are the land is a sheep, horse fields, it has arable crops fields, woods the lot but still have no idea after getting foxes never really been invited out to do it or never actually done it so want to know how and the best ways and kit involved etc.


Thanks for your help so far



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if you are shooting at night on your own using a rifle you will need a scope mounted lamp or torch.my preference is a lightforce striker 170 rsm,this set up will require a 12 volt battery as well. if you have the funds a ns200 or suitable alternative.if you intend using a ns200 or other type of nightvision you will need a scope with side parralax to get the best picture.if you are in an area where there is a lot of lamping done and the foxes are a bit jumpy /or what they term lamp shy and you intend using a lamp then a red filter would also be useful or use some type of nightvision.there are numerous versions and methods you can use.try going onto you tube and searching shooting foxing at night as this will show you some various different methods.a lot depends on whether you then decide to go for standard lamping techniques /or nv method ,or a combination of both.you could also ask to accompany /or for someone to accompany you who has previous experience to show you.there are a variety of methods using various fox callers,digital callers etc.the cheapest way is a standard lamp and battery and dearest method is nv.if you need to ask me anything feel free.my advice first is to look at some video footage to see what method you are likely to choose so questions can be more specific.more importantly shooting at night is a lot harder than daytime shooting in my oppinion and safety is the main concern.atb

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