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Bought them a new HOUSE! (very excited!)


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thats brill they will be realy happy in there i wouldnt put wire on the bottom as they can catch there feet in it but if you dont want them on the patio get your hubbie to lay a couple of paving stones where you want them in the garden then you can hose it down to clean it well :D:clapper:

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re -- the bottom of cage -- i use large black plastic tray from the garden centre .

mine looks a similar size to your base , it looks like a massive cat litter tray , mine cost £7 i think .

they come in about 4 different sizes .

dead easy to clean and wash down .

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Unbelievable!!!!! My husband and I just bought the exact same house from the same seller at a cost of £199 and no snacks but free postage :censored: - when it comes you will see that it states that it is a chicken house!!!!! Not sure what to do with the bottom of ours either. It is absolutely fab and big!!!!!

You'll be really pleased with it when it does come. Mine took just over two weeks to get here so not too bad - got it this afternoon.

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whatever you do don't tell your Hubie you could of got it for less

and buy him something he rely wants before it arrives then when he says something about it just say well you got your present and tell him it for your birthday or Christmas from the kids !! :D

Edited by ferret15
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Wow! That is a REAL bargain! I just paid £200 for the same thing not 4 weeks ago!! :icon_redface: It took me 20 minutes to assemble (Piece of P**S) but you will need some one to hold it for you, if you have an electric screwdriver; all the better! You may find that the bed area is too big for the ferrets, I improvised and put a shelf up in mine making the top floor the bedding area and the bottom floor the feeding area (Which I drilled small holes in so that the water drains out when I hose it out daily, just to get rid of any unwanted germs) I have mine on concrete and I put small blocks of wood at each corner raising it about .5cm off the ground - this is so I can hose out the faeces with ease and pick it up at the other end of the garden. Each to their own I imagine, you will no doubt find the methods which are best for you :yes: As for your husband, Im sure he'll get over it, my other half did (Eventually :icon_redface: ) Good luck. :victory:

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