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beginners question


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hi there quick question for u all. after reading the popular falconry books. how much time would i need to put aside for a bird of prey. i am interested in getting a harris hawk for mainly rabbits and the odd hare. i have hunted for years with guns,dogs,ferrets and then packed it all in for due to family commitments. i would like to start over and would really like to fly a harris hawk. i work 5 days a week sometimes saturday too. 8-5pm . i have enough room for aivary and can afford the vet expense if harris got ill. any advice.

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summer you could manage but winter would be very difficult, if not impossible ,yes you can fly at night with a lamp but you need to put alot of work in before hand including training and fitness, if you have family commitmants as well sounds like an uphill struggle sorry .

maybe try and find someone locally you can go out with weekends or get the misses interested lol.

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  • 3 weeks later...

That's why I give it up mate got a job working 8 till 5 not enough day light hours to fly a bird and do it justice it would be difficult training a bird on them hours you can man it indoors get it eating on the glove hooding etc you only get out what you put in .

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