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keeping feerets warm through winter?

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Always use straw or shredded paper and chuck more in if the weather gets proper cold. I also check that there is not too much and also adequate ventilation so not to get condensation in the boxs as this can also make the bedding wet and if it freezes its bad news.

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thanks theres some good sugestions there, if im honest i found condensation in there sleeping quarters the otherday ,ill have to make more velalation. the reason im asking about keeping them warm is, when the temprature is down to minus 5 ect and the snow is deep (absolutly freezing cold) the water bottles are frozen solid, and the wind is howling , i used to put more bedding in for them and put old curtains/blankets over the hutch to keep the warmth in, i have 2 albino jills, and they curl up together and keep eachother warm, so i guess the advice iv had is to put extra bedding in ( ventalate) and keep the wind off them, thanks guys, anymore suggestions very welcome, :thumbs: fts

Edited by foxtails
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Mine have a small layer of shavings on the floor, that helps to wick any mosture away,

then they have one of the cat piramid beds with a square padded bed inside and inside that theres a fleece blanket,

tbh though i often find my hob asleep on top of the lot of it, but its there if they do feel cold.

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