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First season over before it's begun?

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what happened?


He's had some swelling on his joint for 2 months and has had 2 xrays. The vets said he's fine and can run etc..


Wasn't too happy with what they were telling me so went to see Frances Allen a greyhound vet. She read his medical notes and there's been a reaction on the bone and thinks he's got an avulsion? Basically part of the bone may have come away from the ligament causing the swelling.


He's not lame but can't stand his leg being touched.


Has to have his leg strapped up for a couple of weeks. If it doesn't sort the problem out he may need surgery.


P1ssed off with the normal vets not picking up the problem :censored: :censored: :censored: :censored:

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:no: Shame and hope Jack has a quick recovery, he seemed fine the other week as well. You are best off sticking with the greyhound vets in future instead of pet vets :thumbs:


He's fine normally but after a hard run he will hold his paw up and limp a little,


Not worth risking damaging it more though

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