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For Chaz (Light Hunter)

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Hey up Chaz :thumbs:


Remember that piece of scrap that I bought for a tenner at the meet? :)

Well on the first bulb of Co2 it went from 4 to 0 ft/lbs in 17 shots :unsure: and had gas venting on my hand with every shot!


A few hours work, a bit of TLC, few more quid spent and a polish inside, turning the seal's around and I now have this:


"The Black Rat"

Multi shot





It's running at a reasonably consistant 5.75 ft/lbs with RWS Superdomes.


Tried both heavier (Bisley Magnums) and Lighter (RWS Hobby) pellets and they all bring about a reduction in ft/lbs.


As it has a detachable stock I'm keeping it below 6 until I get the stock fixed then a heavier hammer spring and slightly longer barrel will bring it up for field use.


Thanks again Chaz, it was a really great bargain :notworthy:



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Should have done a before and after mate but if u have put that much in it looking good :)


It was just a leaky pistol when I got; Hence it cost me a tenner :) I got a couple of 'job lot' bits including the multishot breech and clip, three bolts, stock, laser, scope mounts, the forgrip and seals for a pittance and I've also got a standard stock in cammo.

I've also got a Terry Robb extended breech and probe etc...



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