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Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Never mind Ditchy.... :D ....i'm sure you will be getting groups shortly like you were getting with your BSA Lightning,



I had a BSA Lightening XL. The one you're looking at. I bought it as a professional tool. I won't go on about it. Just to say it's far and away The BEST f*cking air rifle I've ever handled. Read the reviews of it on Google and ye'll get sick and tired before the first hundred of Thousands of monotonously Rave reviews.


I had mine a few weeks. I put less that 350 slugs through it. Then I went on a professional course. I staggered the Instructors with my shooting. Wiped the floor with all the Mr S.A.S 'Sweet 16', image millitaire boys. I stitched a dead horizontal line across the bull. Each perfect circle a hairs breadth from the next. I'd barely taken the damn rifle out of the box, for chrisake! :icon_eek:


I'm a skinny and enfeebled little c*nt, but that rifle was sweet to handle. No excess weight to throw my aim or tire my arm. They tested her on the chrono and found her safely within the legal limit (This was in uk).


Remember; They find your rifle exceeds that limit - your fault or not - and it's no questions time. Over that bonnet and have your arse, before slinging ye to the magistrate for another good seeing to.


Oh; And I sold her to a mate because I couldn't fetch her here. His first day out, rabbit and woodie? 85 with 87 shots. What more can one say?




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Guest Ditch_Shitter
Have you cleaned that rifle inside the bore yet Ditch and if so, what with?



Yes, Frank. I did. Having done it, I saw that it had needed it to :good:


I'm presently using the standard copper brush (once) and soft brush (couple of times). Method of getting these through it is novel. Newish thing out, French design. I feed a plastic coated wire down from the top end and screw the brush on at the breach end. Then use a little handle to pull it back out the muzzle.


Gun shop suggested this. He's been trying it and reckons it's about as handy as a Bore Snake at a fraction of the cost (7 E's).



Sinda's; Only thing is mate; My BSA had a self adjustable trigger and firing it for practice (c. 250 shots) never even registered on the bank balance, obviously. c. 250 rounds for This baby would set me back a cool 250 Euro's! :icon_eek: Believe me, that consideration in the back of ones mind tends to curtail the enthusiasm for 'too much' practicing in one day!

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Oh right. With ye now mate. No. That's ok. Mine's a simple Breach Loader. I have no Bolt set up to worry about. Those are made for Bolt Actions.


I did find their " Polecats " interesting though ..... :hmm:

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