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Buying that Dream Air rifle on 'lay away'.

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I'm poor. I'm also crap at saving what little dosh I get. I found a place on Gunstar that enabled me to buy a raider by paying weekly, they also didn't care how long it took me, really great guys, trouble is, they, being a business can only send to RFD's. Pain in my backside because a)it costs extra and b)transport - I have none within walking distance.


I REALLY want a hw100 set up (pump not bottle) and I imagine I'm not the only poor bugger who does.


I wonder on the feasibility of doing such a thing privately. So new 'second hand' guns. Like that thing car dealers were doing where they buy it and put in their name, then sell to buyer cheaper as it's classed as second hand but still like new...


I'd be happy to pay a little extra for the facility upto maybe £50? Postage of course would be factored in...


Just a musing of mine. Thoughts anyone?

Edited by milegajo
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i think you have to ask yourself will this new shiny toy do anything better than your old toy. i rarely have spare cash and when i do somthing more important always crops up to take it out my hands. i think its better to own somthing outright than to owe on it ... example my car is getting on abit but shes a very good reliable car and never lets me down now i work with a couple of guys who are always having new shiny cars they bring them to work and everyone gathers round to admire me included and for a split second im envious but then i ask how much you paying a month there faces normaly change from pride to shame the fact is they dont actuly own the car the MAN ownes the car and i would think you of all people milegajo would not want to be a slave to the MAN..i know its hard when you want things that are out your reach but take pride in what you do own and that is truly yours ;)

Edited by kanny
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Kanny you misunderstand, I don't want a loan/finance rather the product isn't released until you pay the balance off. The guys i used didn't charge for the privilege either. You do own it outright, but you're commited with a target. Aimless saving doesn't work for me, too undisciplined ya see.

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Im confused, So you pay off monthly, but it isn't finance or a loan?


so lets say it costs £100 you pay off £10 a month and in 10 months they give you a rifle when you have paid the full £100 ?


:hmm: I would say Finance / Loan would be better you get the rifle there and then instead of having to wait





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Kanny you misunderstand, I don't want a loan/finance rather the product isn't released until you pay the balance off. The guys i used didn't charge for the privilege either. You do own it outright, but you're commited with a target. Aimless saving doesn't work for me, too undisciplined ya see.

ahh i bit like the old shoppacheque guy who use to come round near xmas... i bet you pay a inflated price right?
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Mile I live in Gloucestershire and would happily pick a rifle up for you from the RFD and bring it to you, just give me a shout if I can be of assistance. I won't charge you for the Priviledge either, you can just make me a posh coffee when I drop it off!


I can't however buy you one mate as I don't have a pot to piss in myself. Lols

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Cheers Mawders. That's a very kind offer. FYI allsports have a fully kitted out second hand r10 with bipod scope etc can't remember what cal £595. Too much for me though sadly...

Be good to meet a member, get in touch if you wanna pop some bunnies...too many here for my single shot springer and too much land for one man!

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Hey mate, thanks for the offer. That shop you mention is one shop I try my hardest not to visit as the staff are generally not very helpful and stand there arguing the toss over subjects they havnt got a clue about. The prices are generally really expensive as well. My guess is that R10 you saw would be another 100 quid knowing their prices. It's sad but I do most of my shopping online now for pellets and the such. He doesn't even stock some of the more popular brands of pellet either. He tried telling me the last time I visited that all pellets are the same it's just the tin that's different! Can you believe it? I just stood there and laughed out loud. Then swiftly turned round and walked out!

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Mawders, you mean to tell me that you don't believe the shop assistant. I know that all pellets were made by the tooth fairies, when they are not busy so there.


Sorry to butt-in to your squabble, but felt i had to put you right.





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Ha ha porky indeed! He told me also on the last visit there that nobody uses spring rifles anymore and there is no future for them ha ha! Oh and that BSA Supertens are really old rubbish guns that nobody wants and that a step up to a AA S410 is what I wanted even though I had only just purchased the Superten second hand! The guys a cretin!


How I didn't end up making him look like a unknowledgable tool in front of other customers I don't know, I just grinned and walked out. Sometimes secretly laughing inside at someone's stupidity is better than openly attacking them!


Only time I would go in there again would be to shoulder a new air rifle to see what it felt like and then walk out and buy it from somewhere else. Proof was in the pudding when I purchased my TX200 HC .22 in jan this year, went in that shop shouldered one, loved it, laughed at his silly prices and walked out. Drive all the way to Wales and purchased said rifle from a lovely little shop for nearly 200 quid less than the one on my doorstep!



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