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ferret work training

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Dont put ayoung ferret on rats


I start my young uns on small burys that hold rabbits.


Can be a slow process but the penny usually drops after a few outings


Patience is the secret


Dont force them.


I usually start them at 6 month

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feed them rabbs let them no the smell there qaurry likem any good hunting animal , ive evn heard guys giving them kills in the old day to gee them up like a live rabbit ,but you dont need to if there bred [bANNED TEXT] and had plenty dead ones to eat ,dont make the ,mistake of over feeding them either there hunters and hunters dont alway succseed, this years kit took me four outings by then she was crunching eyes and head on a kill but with her pa so nows the time to she if she can hold and sort out a big buck ,alot of ferrets think cause they get fed in a cage thats were the sport it so keep them a bit sharp and get them stuck in, once the learn to work you can keep them a bit more well fed ,

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ps there a gym local who have installed treadmills for ferrets a pound aweek it keeps the real fit an d they get kibble for free great idea the box a rabbit just out of reac and have feret harneses lol a good ferret it will come natural others you need to work at it then decide if its any good

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forget training as in training exercises pal, just get them out there, start with small warrens and build up to bigger warrens when they're working the small warrens well. If you've got a dog then I would forget the nets for the first outing and let the dog catch the bolters, just to check they're going into the warren etc. first. Otherwise you might spend half your time untangling nets as the ferrets keep fannying around near entrances.

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