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I have a young jill that was off her food for a few days, she seemed bright enough in herself, then I noticed she was breathing heavily, took her into my vet & he said it was in her chest alright. he gave her two injections & two antibiotics to give her . One is Betamox, which is Ampicillin, a form of pencillin. She is getting worse & has stopped eating so I am giving her a couple of cc's of a chicken, honey & egg yolk soup every few hours. I know if it was flu it is viral & antibiotics would only work for any secondary infections. I read in Brian Plummer's Ferrets, he says ferrets have an allergy to penicillin, does anyone know if this is the case ?

I know some lads would say, give it a belt with a shovel but I hadn't realised how attached I was to her.

Any thoughts or help would be appreciated.

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Normally a reaction to penecillin would happen within the first 15 minutes of giving it to the ferret. Anaphylaxis is what the reaction is called and is fairly rare. Usually, the t ferret will start shaking within 10 or 15 minutes after the vaccine, and it may vomit or have diarrhea on the exam table, and the gums will quickly become very pale and the pet will collapse. It will quickly become unresponsive.

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i had one of jills in before xmas for similar thing.had to leave her in because i was away at a wedding and wanted her watched.i didnt think i was so attached either.cost me a fortune when i should of said its only a ferrets and got her pts.but just couldnt.she works for me so i do the best i can for her



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