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i lad i bought a saluki greyhound xdeerhound greyhound hes 15 week old now and [bANNED TEXT] i went to pick a pup all the pup were very nervas i told the fella that, n he said it cos they ant been andheld ,any way i got a big nice pup iv had him about 3 week n i still carnt get near the dog any ad vice .ill put sum pitchers up shortley

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u shud nevr hav took em mate in 1st place if he like tat was jus left in pen all day nevr saw no 1 try get down to his level lure him wit treats get em to trust u dont raise ur voice or sudden movements get him to trust u and he shud bond wit u once u get tat sorted get em used to people other dogs places atb

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try lying on the floor dont call him and face the other way may take a while but he should come to you from curiosity when he does just let him sniff you and walk on you and when he has finished or got off sit up and do same then slowly slowly increase this and should be ok ,just be patient he may come to you when you lay down may take an hour,hope that helps atb

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i lad i bought a saluki greyhound xdeerhound greyhound hes 15 week old now and [bANNED TEXT] i went to pick a pup all the pup were very nervas i told the fella that, n he said it cos they ant been andheld ,any way i got a big nice pup iv had him about 3 week n i still carnt get near the dog any ad vice .ill put sum pitchers up shortley

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I looked at a litter like this when picking my last dog, head ruled my heart and I walked away after a 3hour round trip to literally the middle of nowhere, the fella told me he didnt handle them as he didnt want to get attached before they left.. Had I of brought one home I think the massive point is to need patience and alot of it! Instead of simply feeding him in a bowl at meal times make him come to you for tit bits with a soft gentle voice and no fast movements, as he grows confidence in eating reward him with more food giving a quiet but excitable voice tone till all of his meal has been eaten, when all goes to plan slowly get up of the floor and continue with your daily routine letting the pup see it wernt that bad infact they enjoyed the food. Soon it should be following you afterwards for more.. Also try to avoid loud noises such ad slamming cupboards, and using the Hoover as these may be steps backwards! Good luck and keep us informed on what works for you.. The harder gained trust will be well worth it in time..! Is it on it's own or do you have other dogs? Is it kenneled or in the house? If left alone and cries can also help form a bond when you go to give it attention.. Not sure if that idea is for you.. All in good time..

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