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red leg on my dog ?

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hi me lurcher has come in from the garden not limping or owt but has a mark on the inside of her leg and her leg has almost all gone red ! has anyone had this with there dogs ? ive put a cold compress on her for about 10 mins and she seems fine is walking good drinking and eating ok think its a muscle tear ? vet said if she aint right on monday come in for a check cheers for feed back !

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Sounds like a torn muscle which has leaked blood beneath the skin. Is it on the inside of the thigh on the hind leg? If it is it is a torn gracillus Keep icing it 3 times a day for at least 3 days. Once the initial 'bruising' has gone you need to massage it to help stop scar tissue. You'll probably also see a difference in the shape of the muscle, depending on how bad an injury it is.


You need to allow a month for complete healing: so no running or jumping in the mean time. If you let the dog run before it has healed it will get much worse and hamper the dog a lot when running. Any dog which has had a badly torn gracillus will be a 'short runner' in future: meaning that the muscle, damaged and scarred, won't be as elastic as it was previously. Dog can still work, but won't be able to run well for such a long time, and it will need routine massage to give relief to soreness and stiffness.

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cheers i looked in your book and took the advise cheers, it looks a bit like sunburn not dark red more red/pink and she aint limping ? there is a small mark on the inside of her leg where i think shes hit it could it be a skin pulled away from the muscle ? cheers

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Skin isn't attached to the muscle in the first place, so couldn't have pulled away. The 'bruising' will show as bright pink/red to begin with, then darken like a normal bruise, before eventually fading as the blood gets absorbed by the body. They don't limp with a torn gracillus, when moving in a straight line or slowly: it is the turning which causes the damage, most often seen when an unfit dog launches itself violently to one side when trying to catch, or just losing its footing on slippery ground.

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