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pikeing yesterday

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well we set off about 9 as we had and hours walk to get to our local canal for abit of lure fishing,anyway we got there and set are rods up chose our lures and started to cast.

For half an hour or so we had nothing so far until we bumped into another lad also lure fishing we got speaking and he said he had some luck on your plain silver spoon so we swapped over pretty much straight away. only to hit into my first fish about half a meter away from him only a little perch but none the less i wasnt going home empty handed.

we walk down about 2 meters further to hit into another little perch not realy anything special but was keeping me from giving up just yet, My mate though wasnt so happy he had a lure on similar to mine but hadnt had nothing yet and was looking on giving up and heading home,i persuaded him to stay as we hadnt yet got to the spot were we had been told was doing well.

As we stroled along chucking are spinners out we stopped at a nice part of the canal alot cleaner and alot neater were sometimes matches are held for only my mate to throw his spinner out once and hit a huge perch all we seen was a massive tail and two red fins come up out of the water i told him youd best not loose this this is a good fish ( only for him to loose it ) probably because we remove all barbs off the lures and pikeing trebles as the pike are sensetive and removing the barbs from the hooks makes it so much easier to unhook and realise them.

anyway my mate was f**king gutted and said to me one last cast and im going home. luck was on his side BANG a little jack pike smashed his lure and we swiftly landed it he wouldnt unhook it the big girl so that was left to me and it was quickly placed back in the water.obviosly he wanted to stay now and we walk further down for him to again cast his lure out and have what i would say was about 8lb pike following it but it lost intrest.

we stroled back were we come from chucking are lures out for me to only throw my lure out and a duck fly into it we got the duck to land and removed the lure no damage was realy done to the duck as its could still fly , wasnt bleeding and had enough energy to bite me as i removed the treble and released it.( the cheeky f**cker had bent my spinner haha no worries though can be pretty easily fixed).


This was our first time every pike fishing tbh and i enjoyed it we will be going again next weekend hopefull catch a few more, both me and my mate enjoyed it so as i say im looking forward to next weekend.

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