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Lurcher Injury

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I took the lurcher out for his first mooch of the season 2 weeks ago. I managed to get him the one run which he caught no problems. We carried on looking for more rabbits with the dog keen to keep going. Nothing else showed itself and as usual i checked the dog over when we got home for any minor injurys all was fine.

Next morning i let the dog out into the garden when i noticed he refused to put any weight on his front foot. Clearly in pain i shut him in his kennel for rest that week checking him daily. A hard lump had formed across two of his knuckles but. After a week the limp had gone and he was his usual self jumping about playful ect (Lump still preasent). With this i let him out the kennel and went on a short walk no more than a mile with no problems. Next day he develops the limp again.

I decided another week in the kennel and a daily dose of metacam would sort it out. Again after a weeks rest and treatment i took him for another short walk with no issues limping gone and he walked ran fine. The lumping over his knuckles are still preasent..

Today i let him out the kennel for a walk about and a slight limp is now back


I suspect he has brocken a knuckle maybe two. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions as to what this could be or have you expirenced this in your dogs. Its strange because he will run out the kennell round the garden they realise he has a bad foot and begin a slight limp.


He is a 3/8 5/8 bull grey and never had problems like this before. any suggestions on treatment would be greatful guys. I feel a trip to the vets may be pointless



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That could be a dislocation, or more likely he's chipped/cracked a bone. Either way, it will take at least 6 weeks to heal providing you don't run the dog at all. If the lump is hard then this is scar tissue or bony growth. If you carry on letting the dog run on it, or even jump in and out of a vehicle, it will not heal. The only thing to do is get a correct diagnosis from a greyhound vet or similar, then follow their advice to the letter. More dogs are f*cked permanently through not giving injuries time to heal than anything else.

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Thanks for the advice skycat. i have stopped all running but when let out in the garden he still chases next doors cat the squirrels and pigeons... then realises he has a bad foot and comes in with a very slight limp.

The lumping is soft so i think this could be swelling


I am from stoke on trent / stafford area do you know of any greyhound vets in this area mines just a pet vets and probably wont have a clue

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