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What Lamp ?

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Hello - I notice most of you good people out there use Lightforce lamps I.e. Striker or Blitz. I've always used the Clulite Clubman Deluxe (since the days of a motorbike battery and a headlamp of course ;-) Would someone educated on the matter please shed a little light on the subject for me ? To my primitive little mind the Clubman Deluxe which has a max beam of a 1000m is a better lamp than the Lightforce Striker and Blitz which have a maximum beam of 600m and 800m or doesn't it work like that ? Thanks, Tom

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carn,t realy see any other lamps better on the market then lighforce striker of blitz ,for what ever reason they been leading the race for so long so they must be at the front for some reason and that because they the best

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used a deben 170lastnight for the first time, its a copy of the striker. i normally use a cluelight laser light but just wanted a little bit more beam if the dog went right across the other side of the field.


the spot is nicer then the cluelight and goes further then mine did, it throws it really well across the field. there is abit more spill from the outside as i had a ring of light out the sides and if the dog was to far in front of me i could see the dogs head getting lit up, not a huge amount only a very faint light but it wasent there with the cluelight.


i changed out the 75w standard bulb from the deben ad replaced it with a 50w bulb the same as my cluelight and it still performed better at throwing the beam across the field so i think ill be sticking to the deben for a while just have to get used to the bloody horrible clicky trigger switch!


i got the variable lamp and it worked really well and by the 3rd or 4th run i had it so i could manage to slip the dog and turn up the power with my thumb as the dog ran at the bunny. alittle awkward but managing to do it all with one hand.


a good idea is a nice slide switch on the back instead of a twisty nob. so you can simply slide your thumb up at the back to give you full beam.


it is different bujt i think once your used to using the striker (or copy) it will be a better lamp, plus the variable lets you lamp the bunnys on a very dim yellowish beam so they dont get spooked then whack it up to full as the dog gets onit.

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