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:( i bought a new pup for the wife/he is about 6 mth.s old ideal age for running him.help please.he is a whippet


Every dog is different mate, i keep whippets and i have just started to show my pup a few runs and he's a year old. I've seen dozens of dogs ruined running them too early but i've yet to see one ruined starting one too late. Be patient and allow the dog to be a pup before thinking of running it. :thumbs:

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Nice to see you taking the above advice!! when your next topic is wanting a slip lead to run a 6 month old pup.. If i was you i'd be saving your money for the an advert in the countrymans weekly so you can peddle the dog on when he turns out to be a yapper and jacker because you started him far too early!!!. 6 months ffs and your thinking of working him!! he's still very much a puppy as molly says whippet dog pups are slow to mature both mentally and physically. Allow him to be a pup, train him all the basic commands and get him retrieving before you even think about running him. I know a someone who started there whippet bitch at 7 months, she's a total nightmare when out lamping as she's a real yapper it's like going out with the grove and rufford fox hounds!! hence they never got another invite.


You only get out of a dog what you put into one, from experience patience will be rewarded tenfold :thumbs:

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  • 2 weeks later...

im guessing you have all ready done all your other training recall and retrieving dummy's etc? id stick to at least a lil while ive seen some whippets mature faster than others and like they have said above if ya start early its gonna yap its head off at least wait until at least ten months and pick the darkest windiest night you can and a easy rabbit atb

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