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fownhope terrier and lurcher show herefordshire HR1 4PE

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wasn't much cop really stall wise was a laugh though best class in the terriers was the entered class

why say that? :hmm:

Say what ? I don't understand what he means?


whats not understandable? there wernt many stalls and the best contested terrier class was the entered imo.

so who won what? and what type of dog?

smooth black dog won the entered with russel dog second and overall champ went to a rough coated black dog

thanks for the info, shame there wasnt any pics of the day as it seemed to big a great show with lots of things going on and to see, but then maybe not?

was a laugh but turn out was poor and very few trade stands should be better in future though

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What a complete pile of shite this show was, stayed for half hour then buggered off, lots of trade stands?!? Are you avin a laugh 4 or 5 rubbish ones. And they had a cheek to charge a fiver a head !

well all i can say is well done all of you who worked hard to get this show up and running a lot of shows these days are dying due to petrol prices etc that are putting people off travelling too far :

I'll tell you what I saw...my bleeding petrol gauge plummet for nothing !

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wasn't much cop really stall wise was a laugh though best class in the terriers was the entered class

why say that? :hmm:

Say what ? I don't understand what he means?


whats not understandable? there wernt many stalls and the best contested terrier class was the entered imo.

so who won what? and what type of dog?

smooth black dog won the entered with russel dog second and overall champ went to a rough coated black dog

thanks for the info, shame there wasnt any pics of the day as it seemed to big a great show with lots of things going on and to see, but then maybe not?

I'll tell you what I saw...my bleeding petrol gauge plummet for nothing !

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from the pics there wasnt much of a show?, who won best lakeland terrier? :snack:

Bloody right there wasn't, I was after a nice new nice a few more bits and bobs too bit nevermind bowood house this Sunday always a good day out there

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that is only a few pics of some of the stuff that was going on we were all to busy to take many pics sorry the t and l show was well attended for a first show and as the song goes things can only get better, its easy to criticise a show not so easy to get up and run one :cray:

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that is only a few pics of some of the stuff that was going on we were all to busy to take many pics sorry the t and l show was well attended for a first show and as the song goes things can only get better, its easy to criticise a show not so easy to get up and run one :cray:

depends how you say well attended?, 100? or 100,000 ? but your right it must be hard setting one up, its bad enough running your own buisness

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that is only a few pics of some of the stuff that was going on we were all to busy to take many pics sorry the t and l show was well attended for a first show and as the song goes things can only get better, its easy to criticise a show not so easy to get up and run one :cray:

depends how you say well attended?, 100? or 100,000 ? but your right it must be hard setting one up, its bad enough running your own buisness

There was def not a hundred people that turnt up for it I'd say 60 max! I thin if it was more advertised and maybe some small cash prices for winners of classes or even trophys I think you would have had a better turn out. But the only way is up....I hope!

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that is only a few pics of some of the stuff that was going on we were all to busy to take many pics sorry the t and l show was well attended for a first show and as the song goes things can only get better, its easy to criticise a show not so easy to get up and run one :cray:

depends how you say well attended?, 100? or 100,000 ? but your right it must be hard setting one up, its bad enough running your own buisness

There was def not a hundred people that turnt up for it I'd say 60 max! I thin if it was more advertised and maybe some small cash prices for winners of classes or even trophys I think you would have had a better turn out. But the only way is up....I hope!

well tt if 60 was well attended in your eyes it cant be that much of a show, local car boot sale does better :whistling:

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