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Hey Ladies and Gents...


Have any of you experienced random bruising with your running dogs?


My girlie is 10 in june so i don't know if age has anything to do with it but she has been getting random bruising on her hind legs and stomach for a while now....she has been to the vets and had blood tests for everything under the sun with really good results but still the bruising is happening...never big bruises...until that is Tuesday....:/ took her and my terrier for a walk round our local lakes and there is a field that the both go running on and she took of after a rabbit....the next day she had a huge bruise on her hind leg...no idea how but it is impressive and colourful...she is fine...favoured the leg for a day and didnt want to run but has been chasing squirrels today..:) just thought i'd ask if anyone else has experienced this...


The picture attached is the brusie on Thursday two days i had seen it...



Atb Miss T x


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I have been giving her arnica sincei saw it and it seems to be helping...:)


Just find it odd as she was running on a flat field no obstacles nothing...bless her...lol


Thank you your advice Riohog it is appriciated...:)


Atb Miss T x

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Never seen it quite as bad as that, but IMO could be due to torn muscles: is she lame at all afterwards? Mind you, if a dog tears its inner thigh muscle they don't really seem to go lame as they would with another type of injury. Here are two photos of the same muscle injury: the bruising is really blood seeping from the torn muscle. I'm not sure if your's is the same thing or not. Old dogs do bruise more easily,but if your's has just run, turned hard on old, unfit muscles it could possibly be the same thing. Funnily enough dogs don't seem to react to a torn muscle much at all: it just affects their movement and running ability but they're not screaming out in pain.



edited to add:Couldn't load second photo.

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