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It wont be winding the cats up anymore or trying to rob nests

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Just a quick write up.


Nothing exciting really apart from a magpie that was checking my mums hedge row for song bird nests and dive bombing my mum’s 2 cats this morning and winding them up.


It thought that by just keeping out of reach of the cats on my mums shed roof that it was safe.


I had just finished giving the r10s stock a second oiling and had it fully assembled again in the garage and thought that it would be naughty not to.


At only about 13 metres from the garage to the shed the magpie was too engrossed in the cats and didnt see me aiming at it.


The shot wasn’t anything to write home about and was a simple brain shot but a dead magpie is always welcome especially when they are looking to nest rob.


The cats had the last laugh though and warm magpie for breakfast went down really well.




Edited by zini
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Hi Davy,


Im visiting family members over the weekend mate so wont be home till sunday morning so will give it a miss pal.


Andy did say if i turned up he would borrow me a AA rifle to do the course with.


I wish you both all the best pal and im sure you both will do very well.


If you fancy driving up abit further north east after the comp i have a mint new permission that i got yesterday full of rabbit, crow, jackdaw and pigeon that you are welcome to help me reduce pal.


Bring your camera though as this place is crawling and there is enough vermin on it to make a whole dvd alone.



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