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Rifle Storage

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Hi all,


Picked up my first rifle today, it's an Anschutz in .22LR.


Quick question if you don't mind, was always told that when leaving a rifle in the safe you should store the bolt separately, but an Anschutz cocks on opening the bolt not closing it.


If i remove the bolt for safe keeping (leaving it cocked) am I going to bugger up a spring or something?





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You should be able to release the tension from the spring, usually just by simply holding the main body of the bolt firmly in one hand and twisting the end. This allows the firing pin to move forward. But be careful not to twist the wrong way, or too far, or you'll be searching the floor for the inner components of the bolt (I'm speaking from experience here lol).



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There is absolutely no legal reason to remove your bolt. More personal preference.

A few friends and I had a range day a couple of weeks back, one of my mates took his .308 PH up the range, he always removes his bolts, on this occasion he by mistake picked up his rim fire bolt instead of his .308 bolt. A wasted hours journey to the range and a lot of embarrassment. If you want to remove the bolts, then do so but do not feel that you have a legal obligation. I have five gun storage safes in the house and when I go away I give my shooting partner my bolts and for-ends for safe keeping. Shotgun barrels are separated from shotguns and stored in a different location. If someone can manufacture a bolt, then they will have no problem manufacturing a fully operational firearm, if they can cock a shotgun without a fore-end then they are a better man than I; but unless I am going away, all the guns stay in one piece.



Edited by HUnter_zero
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