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Dog with limp

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I am in need of some help or advice. I have a 13 month old black labrador with a slight limp on the front. Had him xrayed, both his elbows are fine and has came back with nothing out of the ordinary. It has been going on for a while now.


Any advice or knowledge would be very much appreciated on what I could do next.



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I am in need of some help or advice. I have a 13 month old black labrador with a slight limp on the front. Had him xrayed, both his elbows are fine and has came back with nothing out of the ordinary. It has been going on for a while now.


Any advice or knowledge would be very much appreciated on what I could do next.




I would ask to get him MRI scanned as elbow problems dont really show up well on x-rays till the dogs are much older . Have you done the usual checked his pads for cuts/ thorns? has he taken a knock on his legs that you can remember? What did your vet advice you to do ?


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had the same with my Beagle had a limp could not find any thing even the vet left front leg by the way then noticed small discharge from his pad found tiny thorn burried in the pad you will never guess who found it my neighbour is a quack(doctor) used his magnifier lamp pulled it out with pointed twezers max is fine now.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have exactly the same problem with my working black lab he has one slightly longer than the others which cause him to limp but it dosn't cause him any pain some days its a complete stager so i won't over work him...and my mates lab has stiss joints which i found was quite common in labs in this case he gets given cod liver oil from tescos...hope this helps and good with ur lab

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where abouts are you based. have you a good greyhound stable near you.


reason im asking is i took my cocker to an osteomyologist at a greyhound stable in the forest of dean. he was having problems with toes dragging and i was a little worried about it. popped in to see the guy and with in 15 minutes he had found the cause and few other little things as well but nothing for me to worry about. vet said it was his hips and wanted to do scans and x-rays. i waited and saw this guy who found the cocker had an old tear in a tendon in the knee and showed me what to do to stretch the leg and massage.


3 weeks later and all is good again.


how much.....


a tenner for his time he said :icon_eek:



i cant recommend one enough now and i will use this guy every time now.

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