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Bumble-Bee nest re-location

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John you can get as close as you like to them ..........they aint likely to sting you a more docile creature you couldn't meet....!

I have got a bumble bee nest under the shed right by the door.....when i go in and out and they are not troubled in the slightest, they will only get agitated if you disturb the nest.

I checked the nest i relocated today and it is still active and doing well and should produce plenty of new bees (and hopefully queens) by the end of the season.

Good pictures by the way Mate.

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I found one of those a few nights back when I was emptying out an old flower container in the garden a few days back. :yes: It must have been an old one, because there was no activity there at the time, and there hasn't been any there since. I guessed it was some sort of bees, I've had them there before. Strange looking small bees, they were black & orange in colour. :hmm: I hadn't seen any like them before & haven't since

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Had a call from some builders doing a loft conversion to remove another bumble-bee nest located in the loft insulation.......the project had come to a halt.

So armed with my trusty bucket and bee-keepers outfit i duly removed said nest and re-located it to the base of a tree in some remote woodland...this has to be judged as to not get to hot or too cool in the sun but to stay a pretty constant temperature. The pictures show the nest as it appeared in the loft and then when it was put in a hole at the base of a tree prior to covering over with sticks and leaves. Hope they survive anyway.



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