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Another doe this morning

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My mate phoned me to see if I fancied a look out in the morning onto his ground which he hasnt been on in about a year. Got up at 5.30 am this morning and luckily the weather was ok. We arrived at his ground in the dark and it started sleeting :censored: but as the dawn emerged the sleet gave way to a cold , harsh landscape.


We set up position on top of a hill and glassed the ground below but no sign of life at all , not even a crow :censored:


After about 1/2 an hour I noticed a doe emerge on the edge of the woodland shortly followed by a follower. We had to climb over a dry stone wall as the doe was 250 yards away . We managed this obstacle without the deer noticing us and crawled across the ploughing to our vantage point which was 230 yards from the deer. Impossible to get any closer as the ground was completely open between us and the deer , but it was no problem at all for my mate as he regularly shoots at much greater distances than this.


The doe jumped the fence along the edge of the woodland and stood broadside which was my mates queue to release his .243 . The doe crumpled on the spot with a very precise shot behind the shoulder :clapper:


So a result and back home for 8am !!!


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well done lads, just 1 point me and a client stalked 6 deer in the open and got to within 120m's without detection .

it took us 1hr 45 mins though.

but we shot all 3 does.

a very memorable stalk we never had a blade of grass to hide behind.

but a nice shot anyway..

Edited by john robbo
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  • 2 weeks later...

well done lads, just 1 point me and a client stalked 6 deer in the open and got to within 120m's without detection .

it took us 1hr 45 mins though.

but we shot all 3 does.

a very memorable stalk we never had a blade of grass to hide behind.

but a nice shot anyway..



hi ,


out of intrest , why do you not headshot deer and whys is it not :thumbdown: a instant death wih heart shots and so on ? :icon_eek:

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Best practice says we shouldn't shoot a deer in the head it is a very small target and moves around.

Unless close these shots should be avoided.

A heart lung shot is recomended and death is quick.

I dont write the rules just follow em.

A guide to "best practice" is found here.


there are many guides like this all state head shots are a no, no.

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