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as the title says i left my cage open yesterday afternoon when i had fed the ferrets then at 9 last night we heard a sqeel when i let the dog out ant the dog started ragging an old chair from a 3 piece suite so i looked in and my girlfriends ferret was there [(its the non worker) so we put it back in the cage and went in search of my 2 workers. a few people on the street said they had seen one earlyer but i could not find it anywhere so called it a day. then at half 11 last night my girlfriend looked out of the window and my albino was just outside my garden so i got it back. just my black eyed white to find now, i've borrowed my boss's mink trapp and put some cat meat in so hoping it comes back

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i left my door open not so long back, and had four on the run, at this point they were new to me and only one had been worked! i live on a farm and i was hell to find them, one was in the warren i work most, not the one i had worked though. (rabbits were bolting thats how i guessed) My working one was actually curl up in the dog bed next to my dog. one was in the chicken hut eating eggs and the other one was chasing a chicken.....it toomk over 8 hours to find them all.....i was gutted until i found them.....good luck finding them!!!!

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I have also lost a ferret before only to find it 2 hours later eating dog food in the neighbour back garden.


Also had my gramps ferrets escape 2 streets away from my house and then he found 1 of the 2 and came up my house to tell me they had gone and he found the other 1 sniffing at my ferrets hutch :D:)


hope you find your ferrets mate



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